Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Austin, September 6th

Today is labor day, according to Sonja it's like the German Tag der Arbeit. Word by word translation: Day of Work. Every year at this day I'm wondering, why don't you work at the Day of Work?
If it should be a holiday it should be called Day of Notworking.

But it I'm happy that I didn't had to go to school. Or better, not for classes. I had football practice at 3pm, so I was in school. But just for about 2 and a half hours.
It was great. I come too late again - but just because my pants had a hole, the new pants had a hole too and then I had to put all the pads in the pants.
As warm up we throw and caught balls. I caught them all ;-)
Then we had to run routes and catch the ball. The first one was too high thrown, it was impossible to get it. But the most of the other balls I caoght. I really get better, even the coach says that. Sometimes come a player I never saw before and say: Hey Marc, good job! or something like that. I think I saw them never before, it's hard to say, they look all the same when they wear football stuff.

I heard that a beat on the helmet or the butt means in football: 'Good Job'.
That someone hit my helmet happens sometimes. (after my first game, when I made a difficult catch, or just when I did the route well...) But since today I know that this with the butt is true too....

Later I taught one player more German words. Not always what he wanted to know, it's funny when they call themself stupid names, instead of being mean to someone else xD

I had finally time to do my homework. I needed the whole morning, from the breakfast until short before I left for practice. Maybe I should eat and watch TV while doing homework, but now it's done and so it doesn't matter anymore.

After football I relaxed. Watching scrubs, eating Lasagne, listening to music. And tomorrow the school starts again.

I'm a bit jealous of my German friends. They have still vacation. But just one more week, and then they have boring German school =]

I'm setting up a facebook account. Always ask someone if I'm on facebook, so, now I am.
Wow, I know all these guys facebook shows me o.O
How know facebook which people I know, even if they are not in my email contact list?
Hey, Ashley is online. Thats a girl I met some years ago in Toledo (and later in my hometown in Germany).
So let's try the chat.

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