Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sherry Baby

Austin, September 5th

Sunday again, hmm I haven't done anything to clean the house yet...
But I haven't had muc time today. First we went to church, there I met some from the Harker Heights Highschool, the school that lost at thursday against us in football.
I was the first time in sunday school. It was interesant, it was about respect. More or less the same what my coaches told us some days ago.And the guys from sunday school used football (or sports, I don't know anymore) and coaches as metapher for god and parents and respect and so on. I didn't understand everything and I was terrible tired, but I remember the respect part.

In the church I couldn't understand much, I think it was something about a bigger church and the relationship to god, or Jesus, or both. Funny, he last time I understood much more, this time almost nothing...But I liked the songs. One girl sung in front of us, she had a really good voice. And we had communion. I passed, I don't like the oblate. Why can't the churches use normal bread?? I'm pretty sure that Jesus had didn't ate one of these oblates in his whole life!!

Then Loran and I went to a Gym in Killeen. And got something to eat in a Whataburger. The burger was really good. but you shouldn't buy a milkshake there.

Back at home I was so tired that I took a nap, until we left for a Musical. It was the last day of Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons. It was nice, I recognized many of the songs. But I understood less of what they said.
It was really not my day to understand English....

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