Friday, September 17, 2010

Homecoming game

Austin, September 17th

It was Homecoming today. The big game.
In school we had a pep rally, the teacher said, it was the best they ever had in this school.

In Algebra we didn't do much. Some tasks and then we had time to do our homeworks.
Football class was great. We were in the weight room, but I think I did well today. But I had headache after the last exercises. And the shower was terribly hot!
Then we were in the study hall. I learned for the history test in the following class.
So guess what we did in US history... right we wrote a test.
I have a good feeling, but that doesn't automatically mean that I have a good mark...
When I came to the question, 'In which year was the declaration of independence' I had really no idea, it was in 1700 something, there I was pretty sure, but all the coices look so similar (1776/1767/1876...). What a luck that the lunch bell rang, so I could ask someone in the lunch break. 1776. puh.
Then we had a TAKS analysis or something. Another test. I ha difficult to understand what they were asking me, but I think that is what the test is about.

And fnally in English we played a game. I didn't understand what the goal or even the sense of the game was, but we had to find some words in a book (how difficult), stand up, read the first one, listen to the other, read the second one and sit down. And that was more or less the game.
Then we had an hour SSR. There we have to read someting. But our teacher wasn't there and the sub didn't care if we read, or talk or play on the computer and so I had muuuch time to talk.
I talked to my 'new best friends' in this class. Seige and Katie, I think.
And later to Ashley, Ashley and Nick. We have 3(!!) Ashleys in this class.
We took some pictures. Many students wore these 'mums'. I didn't knew where I could buy them, or even that we have them in our school too, so I didn't had one.
It's incredible how big some of the mums are.
On Sonjas blog you can see some of them from her school. Our look like them, just with other colors, red, black and silver.

After lunch at home we went to the homecoming game.
It was great, We won 31:6!

I was there with Steffen, later we met some of our football team. And at the fourth quarter suddenly appeared some friends of Steffen. Two girls... and a few minutes later he went with one of the girls to their seats and the other one came to me. We talked about homecoming, and dancing... I told her that I danced in Germany. She danced a little bit and I just did the same "Oh I love it, we're best friend now" or something like that.  And now I have a best friend more. I'm really a best friend magnet.

And at the end of the game Steffen and I were suddenly their Germans, and they argued who has the better German. Steffen got a rosa shirt from someone (they were thrown from the field), but I had a bell! My bell makes nioses, the shirt not, so I'm better! :-[

After the game we enjoyed the marching band, they were really good.

I'm lookig forward to the homecoming dance tomorrow. But first I will go to the welcome party at Sharon's house.

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