Monday, September 27, 2010

Second 6 weeks

Austin, September 27th

Today started the second six-week period. Actually we had just five weeks school. And this six-week period are again just 5 weeks.

I tired to get my contact lenses on before school, but after ten minutes I stopped. I wanted to try it again before football class. But there I couln'd get them in too. I should practice it tonight.
Especially because Jessica and Carolin laughed about than. Carolin don't even need a mirror to get them in.
It needs practice they said, okay I will wear them tomorrow!

In Algebra we solved equations. Like the last weeks. It's easy, but it started to get boring.

Football practice was cold. We wore just shorts and shirts. And the helmet, but this doesn't keep you warm.
It starts to get colder. And so most of us freeze. But I liked it. In Germany I had this temperature every morning.
Later we ware in the weight room. And YEAH! I finally can do the squads with 90 (!!) pounds + two chains + the stick! I'm so proud of myself.

In US history we have a new seat plan. Great, I sit somewhere in the back, with two other guys on 6 desks...

In English we worked again at our poem and a photo story for this poem. Boooring.
We worked on computers and I sat with two other football player at one desk. From behind my some girls wanted me to sit with them, from the front some wanted me to go to them, so I decides to stay where I am.
And -crap- I sat at the only computer that didn't work...
The computer by the girls behind was already used, and they said I'm not their best friend anymore (I don't know if I should laugh or cry). But when i wanted to go to the girls at the front, the teacher made me to sit on a computer a the very back of the room.

After school it was warmer, so I sweat when i had football practice. But it was a good practice. I learned some new things, caught many balls. And that still withour lenses.

When I arrived at home the first thing I did was put in the lenses. I needed almost 10 minutes. Why it's now so difficult? At the eye care it was absolutely no problem...

So now I go with Loran to the gym. I have to think about what I can workout today... Arms I did the last time and in school we did... I think almost everything. Maybe chest and legs.

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