Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cinema - a little bit different

Austin, January 29th

Yea, I know, we are here to spend time with Americans, learn about their culture and all that stuff. And I really try. If I meet with friends, I always invite a few Americans. Mostly girls, but that's just because I know them better than most boys. But in the last time I usually meet the other Germans. When we went to the cinema tonight, we didn't have any Americans with us. Steffen invited a girl from an other school, Melina, she's from Germany, too. But that was not the only difference, we also invited Carmen, a Spanish girl.
On our way to the cinema, Steffen and Carolin talken in German, so Carmen wanted me to promise that I will not speak one word German. I tried not to speak german, but from time to time I did... Or I mixed my sentences with English and German words, that happens all the time, I sometimes really have problems just to speak proper German.
We all talked about when we met each other the first time. Pretty easy, Steffen at the first school day after school in football practice. Caro, if she wants to believe it or nt, at the second day in Multimedia, I was about 5 minutes there and then I changed schedule and had multimedia one period earlier. Jessica at the second day, too. I switched out of Multimedia and into Theater, where i met her. Carmen I met at the basketball game about two weeks ago and Melina today.
The movie, we watched The Rite, was very boring. Carmen was very scared and hided most of the time behind Caro. So I spend my time watching Caro smiling when somthing 'scary' happens -she's a weirdooo- and Carmen hiding. It was very funny. I also tried to make conversation with the old guy next to me. It didn't work, I think he was afraid of me.
When Steffen, Caro, Carmen and I looked for a restaurant that was still open, Carmen told us, that we germans aren't so cold, how she always thought. Just because our language sounds cold, it doesn't mean that we are cold, too!! And by the way, German is NOT cold! And it doesn't sound like just half sentences either! I don't know why everyone says that. I grew up with german, I heard it my whole life, I can't find anything cold about it.

After the Cinema, Steffen, I and Loran went to Whataburger, because we couldn't find an open restaurant at the cinema, but were very hungry.

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