Sunday, January 16, 2011


Austin, January 16th

We had breakfast at Golden Corral! They have great ice cream, the rest was okay. The cakes were way to sweet.
At half past four I went to Caro. I stopped at HEB to get Coke and Chips, because Steffen texted me, that they were already food shopping, but they didn't bought coke.
I bought 12 cans of coke and, hooray, I got 12 cans "HEB Original Coke" for free! 24 cans should be enough for about 8 people. Since some of the invited people didn't come we had more than enough coke. But it was still a nce evening with Caro, Jessi, Steffen and Haley.
The Racltee was great, although I missed the pineapples. And maybe some ham. And a few other things. The next time I will go shopping with them!
After we ate we watched 'Foreign Exchanges' and 'Anatomie', played a little dart and jumped on the trampolin. Either I hit the dog when I jumped, or he tried to bite me, either way, I felt something on my foot and it was pretty sure that stupid dog.

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