Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Early Release day

Austin, January 26th

Mercyful like the coaches are, they allowed us to sleep in today. And to leave school direct after it ended. (I just had to wait for the bus, which was about 10 minutes to late. I wonder why always my bus is late?)
No weight lifting session, no track practice. And the best NO RANGERTIME! The early release day totally changed the schedule, exept for third period, every class was just 45 minutes. Third period was the full time, because before, during and after the third period are the lunch times.
The choaches decided to use this day just for tug-of-war competitions. A martial name for a simple game where you just have to pull on a rope until a specific point- when two parties play the usually middle- leaves a specific area. We started with four teams playing at the same time. So the rope had four ends and a square in the middle. My team, the Swoildiers, won the first two games. But we lost the following two. We lost really bad, the Flying Beavers just pulled us over the ground. 

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