Friday, January 28, 2011

Run Forest, RUN!

Austin, January 28th

Little change in practice schedule. I didn't had track after school, it was before school. The choaches wanted us to be on the field at 7 a.m. So a lot of us were outside, dressed in sweater and sweatpants. Some even with gloves and caps and everything to stay warm. But when you have to wait 30 minutes for the coaches you still get cold. Wasn't nice of them to let us wait.
But when you run a few laps you get warm again. And the freezing shower cools you down again. No wonder that most guys didn't shower (YOU PIGS!). One even left the shower after I told him that the water is bone chilling.
But it's still better than having track practice after school on a friday.

Before English class I had to go to the Clinic. they made an ear and eye test. I wonder why they need it, I went to a doctor in the beginning of the year for my physical, there is everything they need included.
Well, my eyes are terrible bad, i know that they don't really need to test that. But for that I wear glasses, so I don't have any problems to see.

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