Sunday, October 24, 2010

Animals and plants

Austin, October 24th

Ahh Sunday... I feel like I should go to church again. Not today, but soon. Either with Steffen, or with Miranda sometime I want to go to that cowboy church again.
But for today I was happy to sleep longer. Then we went to Golden Corral for breakfast. I had the sweetest Carrot Cake ever. Mama's cake is better. I think the touch of Blackforest cherry water was missing.

When we were at home again, I just waited for the evening. Miranda had to go for dinner with me! She told me once that I have no opinion of my own... really? I don't?
'Sunday for dinner. We go to Applebee's!' Actually the only reason for Applebee's was the name.
The food was good. I made Miranda try my fries with mustard. I feel like I'm the only person in the world who eats them that way!
It was great to be there. We talked a lot. I fear she thinks I'm a bit crazy after that evening, but as long as she still likes me, that's okay.
After dinner we went with Lauren to Walgreens. We tried on some halloween masks and the girls smelled some candles. We left very soon. Outside we found a birdberry tree.
On the way back to Lauren's, we drove through a street called Spiderlilly. I don't know why, but today I found many animal-plants mixed things.
When she brought me home we took almost 10 minutes to say goodbye.
We definitively have to see each other more often.

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