Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Austin, October 13th

It's wednesday, and it's NO ranger time today. And we have classes 5, 6 and 8 just about 30 minutes each. And Why? Because of the PSAT's we wrote this morning. It's a training SAT, and that is... yes, what is it? It should help Colleges to find students, or students to get into a College. Or something like that. I just wrote it, because I had nothing better to do. I woke up at 6-ish, so why I shouldn't go to school?
I'm not like Steffen and Jessica, and maybe Carolin (?) who jsut went to school after the PSAT.
But that's maybe because I think I was the only one who had no idea what to do today.
I actually went to my first class, but the dor was closed, so I went downstairs, going outside for a bit. But on my way I met someone I met at the secnd school day. You remember? I forgot which room my registration room was, so I went to my Spanish class. It seems like it was months ago...
So I talked with him and his friends, until the bell rangs. They asked me if i write the PSAT, too, and I answered that I have no idea. He showed me some papers with the names of the students and where they have to go for the PSAT, so I went to this room, and wrote the PSAT.
Actually it wasn't so difficult. I think most of the math part I solved... but at the English part they used words I've never seen in my whole life. So I guessed, what sounds good is the right answer, so easy is that.
I know you should just guess if you can say from at least one answer that it is wrong, because if you guess wrong you loose points, but hey, I'm German, I don't care about what the Colleges think about me. I probably will never go to a American College. Maybe one two Semesters, but graduation and all that stuff I will do in Germany.

So, no pressure, no problems. It reminds me to my Graduation, my average was so well, even with a really bad exam I would have passed. That makes the whole thing much easier.
I wrote my test, after that I learned a bit Spanish vocabulary, and talked a bit to Sivonna and her friend. So after and after I knew everywhere some people. Just in that 'class' I knew 4 people. And I had just with one of them classes.

After the PSAT we had 7th period, Multimedia class. YES! I love that class. And then we had 6th (football), 5th (Spanish) and finally 8th, Theater. Instead of slowly go from the Mulitmedia class to the Theater class, what needs maybe one minute, 5 when I see someone I know -and I usually see Sivonna and Colleen short, and in front of the building with the theater class Emely and since a week Miranda- I run through the whole building, across the yard and to the theater building... And saw nobody. Hopefully that was the only time we have this stupid schedule...
But at least theater was relxed. We watched the rest of Cast Away, then the 30 minutes were over.
So I went to football practice, the only thing that was not shorter today. Of course not, tomorrow is the game against Lake Travis, one of the strongest oppenents. Ohh, I'm so looking forward for tomorrow.

Later at home I made a salad dressing. A real one, not that crap you buy in the spuermarkets. A dressing like at home in Germany, like my mama does it. Maybe not as good, beacause I made a lot of dressing, so I don't have to do it for eauch time we eat salad, but way better than the other stuff. (To much oil!)

The dinner was really good. Spaghetti. And I start to like the breadlike stuff we eat to dinner. Is that really bread? It's so soft.

Today I talked with Sharon, my Local Coordinator. She has to ask some questions like "What's your favourite class', 'Do you have a best friend', 'Is it a boy or a girl'..hrhr, guess what!

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