Saturday, October 23, 2010

The house of Torment

Austin, October 23rd

The two girls wanted to stay up all night at Erika's house. I told Miranda not to do that, but of course, she didn't listen. In fact she kept me awake untill about 4, then I fell asleep, looking for my phone to answer a text she sent me.
When i woke up, my body started to complain about my favourite sport. Football. Every muscle did hurt. I took a hot bath and a cold shower, then I felt way better. And I wrote again with Miranda. She just stayed up until 5. Good for her, because she had to go to the haunted house with me, the other Germans and some other American friends. She still was very sleepy...
Before we went to the haunted house, I went to Miranda's house. We, Erika and another boy, Hunter, were at the roof. It was amazing, I love her house!
Somehow Erika didn't thought holding her over the edge of the roof is funny. She bite my into my shoulder, but for that picture it was worth it. She's a crazy little girl. And violent! I fear I have not such a good relationship to our drum majors. Two of three had a bad experience with me, I tried to kill them, they said. But I had always a good reason! And they are still alive. But they don't want me to meet the last drum major. 

The haunted house was fun. We had tickets for 8 o'clock, but the Line was already closed, when we arrived there. Luckily the guys from the 8:30 line didn't watch at the time print at our tickets. The first of the two houses was quite boring. Some funny stuff, the 'monsters' were very good dressed and had good make up, but I laughed more than I was scared. Maybe because I was focused on not walking against something, so that I saw the guys just when they already tried to scare the next one. I think I shouldn't have been the first one of our group the most time of the first house. The second one was better. I still wasn't scared, i mean, I know that they are all human, and everything is just fake, and I really must laugh all the time I heard someone scream!
But it was really a visit worth.
After that we went to Macy's, just to look what stuff they have (What you are at the lesbians? NO at the restroom! Bad cell phone quality), and then we got something to eat in Jack in the Box. What a terrible stupid name! But the people there were nice. Erika got a small drink for free, and I got a big cup instead of a small. Not that it really matters how big it is, you can refill the cub all the time, but it was still nice.
Just in case you have never been in a Jack in the Box: when you order you say your name, and they will call you when your food is ready to pick it up. But I guess one of the waiters had a crush on Jessica, he once brought her stuff to the table and he wanted to talk to her all the time.

Then Sivonna, Miranda and I went to Hunters house. He had a movie night. But we couldn't stay so long, Erika and Sivonna, or just one of them, I don't know, had to be home early, so we left at short past 11.

When we were at my house, Erika said somewhen to Miranda and me, now kiss so we can leave... Really Erika? Why? Well i told you she's crazy. And she is mean to me, since I tried to kill her, how she says. Is that really a reason to be mean? Oh and to your question if I write about you on my blog, definitively YES!

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