Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Austin, October 27th

I had to be in school earlier today. The teachers had to sign the gradesheet for football until today, not until tomorrow, like usually. So I had to find some teachers. And we have to go to two tutorials. I was in History tutrial. Not that I needed it, I need in no class extra help, but if the coach want a note that I was in tuts, he should have one. I was just about 10 minutes there.

In school happened nothing special.
In theater class, we had to say something nice to at least one person. The teacher started with some compliments. One was for me. But I had no idae what she said. So I just responded with: What?
Everyone laughed, and she said, she expected me to say that, but it was something nice. Okay, alright.
One told me, that he likes the kind of plays i always take part in. Usually something about sex or drugs/alcohol. A girl said she loves my hair. The other two or three compliments I forgot. i was busy to think about something to say to others. One girl looks really happy when she acts, i really like that. Another girl makes great pantomime, one boy acts always cool and relaxed. And some other compliments.
Football practice was great, but it was soo hot.
Suddenly someone put ice cold water on my back. Great, thanks, I was first angry, I thought it was one of the boys. But no, it was a watergirl, she wanted to do me a favor. Actually, it felt no that bad, it was just the shock. When she warned me before she do that, it feels really good.
At the last prcatice play, I made a huge mistake. I dropped the ball at a scissor route. Just like in a game weeks ago. Oh no, how could I? I trained that so hard. I usually always catch that now! At least I could block the corner backs for the running back, a play earlier.

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