Tuesday, October 26, 2010

School, Gym and the Cats

Austin, October 26th

In school I wrote two tests today. They were easy. And because of this tests we have not homework in this classes. And in English we celebrated the end of the second 6-week period. Funny, I'm the tenth week in school, and it's the last week of the second 6-week period.
We played a game. A electronic box gives one person one to three words and we have to explain them. And our group -we were splitted in two groups- has to guess the words. My group lost. Maybe I shouldn't have said that I prefer being in Saige's group than in Katies. Katie wrote the points down, so she didn't play, that's why I said I like Saige's group more. At least she is in one. And again I'm not friend with Katie anymore. We will see how long it takes until we are friend again. I thnk the last time about 3 or 4 classes. Maybe less.

After school I went to the barber shop. I have now short hair again. Yay, I wrote hair, not hairs. Miranda can be proud of me. But I still don't underdtand, why English speaking people have just one hair. I have lots of hair, so shouldn't it be 'hairs'?
That's a good time to ask: Why do you go 'back and forth'? Shouldn't you go first forth, and then come back? Where is back, when you don't even have started with going 'forth'?
There are some other weird phrases, too. But I don't know exactly what they are. I think something with 'one or the other' was one.

And after the barber we went to a restaurant for hawaiian pizza. And then we went to the gym. I haven't been in the gym for such a long time. It was a great workout. I have to take time, for going more often.

Now I'm sitting here. Writing my blog and listening to the music. But just about one minute ago, I heard the cats doing strange noises. Trouble just tried to rape Ms Behavin! What a crazy cat. Don't he know that Ms Behavin has a crush on my?

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