Friday, October 29, 2010

I wanna fly so high!

Austin, October 29th
What is a perferct end for that day? I don't know, but listening to music looks like a satisfying end. I don't know why, but somehow I had the words 'I wanna fly so high' in my mind. What song is that? Over the rainbow? Or is that a title? Yes, it is really a title. Now when I'm listening to it, I remember that I used to love this song. Or I loved a song that sounds similar. Uuuhuuuuu, I wanna touch the sky, I wanna fly so high...
I absolutely believe the life is fair. At least to me.
Like, the exchange organisation where i applied last year for a High School year (*cough* EF *hust*), but I had a great class in my new school and a great life this year in Texas.
Or a second example: I had a cold short summer in Germany, but a long hot fall in America. Maybe not the best example, but I just remembered, that I never had 100 degrees in the fall in Germany. Maybe here not either, but this week was a day, wednesday I think, when it was so hot, it felt like much over 100 degrees.
Whatever, what I want to say is: My day didn't start perfect, but it got better and better from hour to hour.
I slept to lang. Actually I didn't relly sleep, but I didn't stand up until 7:40-ish. So I took a shower, got dressed and run to the bus. I was to late. No, the bus was to early, I was sure that there was a driver substitute again. And really, there was one.She drove a bit a wrong route, but at least I had a seat for me alone. I had a little bag of chip for breakfast.
In spanish I got a A grade for my homework. Not a really surprise, it's not that hard to get good grades in US high schools.
When I left the building I was shocked. TOO COLD! The sun is still warm, but why is there such a cold wind? I run to the locker room for two reasons. At first, because we have to run, but the second, and today more important reason, was the temperature. I looked forward to the weight room. At least there it is warm. But when I changed clothes, the coach said the JV teams go on the field for condition training. NOO, in shorts and shirt in the cold. Not funny!
But the exercised were funny. Not when you have to do that, but when you can watch. Some coaches laughed. Sometimes we had to run 60 yard and jump high at every step, soetimes wide. Then we had tu run between 20 and 40 yard line backwards. Or roll over the shoulder. Or first roll forth, than back. Soon we didn't freeze anymore. But I was still happy to go into the building.
Later in study hall, my position coach saw me doing Spanish homework and asked, what languages I speak. So we talked a bit about languages and the German school system.
In multimedia wehave to color a picture. We need three layers, thats the only request. Good, that is something relly fun. Melanie, the girl next to me, had some really funny pictures.
And before theater class I saw Miranda. YAY! But like always, much to short. When I was with some boy from the class in the hallway to reahears a little play, I saw her again! Again just a very, very short time.
Theater class was funny. We have a paper, with a scene on it. Just one or two sentences. Like: You are waiting for the bus. One of you is late, one is crazy, one is ...etc..blabla...
I was a German soldier in the US Army. The only thing I really had to do, was screaming "I'm in the wrong army!" in German. Once I was a druggy, waiing for the bus. "Have you seen Lucy??" "Lucy in the sky?!" I wonder if Michael expected that respond, or if he just randomly said a name.
Caro showed my their class pets after school. A scorpion and a birdspider. The scorpion was kind of sweet. But I wasn't sure if I really should take this spider in my hand. It was a mistake, it tried to build a web on my hand!
I reached my bus just a minute before it left. Perfect timing! But the substitue forgot to stop at my house. Just because i took the bus home, the first time this week, it's not a reason to skip my stop. Every sub before stopped, why didn't she? Whatever, I just had to walk some minutes more, no problem.

In the evening I went with Gary to the car wash, to wash Lorans Mercedes. Sometimes between 7 and 8 came Miranda. Stupid band made her practice. It's no game today, they really could have a day off.
But better late than never. We had so much fun. We stayed most of the time in my room. Kissing, talking laughing. Rest is private.

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