Sunday, October 31, 2010


Austin, October 31st

Sunday again. Why am I always so tired on sundays? But I had such a great day, beeing a bit tired in the morning is okay.
Gary made a incredible good breakfast. It's called Jewinsh Breatfast. Something with lox and bagels. Just delicious.
At about 11 Loran and I went downtown in a gym. Loran said, probably as a joke, that I wouldn't be able to let my phone at home. Like Homer said: No one says that I can something not do without making my doing something stupid. You have pretty sure already figured out, that I don't talk about the greek Homer, but about Homer Simpson. Whatever, I let my phone at home, an I didn't go crazy. 
After that we went to Church's chicken. I think it's not as good as Popeye's, but it was still good.
Back at home I needed my phone... It's already halloween, and I had no clue if I go with Miranda to erika, with or without Maranda to Lauren, or with whoever to Connor.
Finally I went with Miranda to Lauren's. We ate chili and watched a horror movie. I didn't get the story. The sound was to quiet. Miranda dressed up as a hippie and Lauren was a bunny. They two were so adorable!
Then went trick or treat, together with Laurens little sister and a friend of her. They two were dressed as witches. It was fun. I guess the two little girls like my. Or they liked my sword, there I'm not sure. And many people liked my costume.
I have tons of candies. I think thats enough for the rest of the year.
Because tomorrow is school, no vacations unlike in Germany, we left Lauren short after 10. I enjoyed the time alone with Miranda on the ride home. And I'm veeery positive, that she enjoyed the ride home, too!

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