Monday, November 1, 2010

found and lost again: My cellphone

Austin, November 1st

It's my sisters 19th birthday. And I'm not in Germany to celebrate with her. Probalbly I wouldn't celebrate if I would be ther either. But I hope she had a great day with her friends or family.

Yesterday I lost my phone. Luckily just in Mirandas car. She gave it back to me before Algebra class. Actually I wanted to meet her in front of the band hall. But she waited at an different entrance than me. Great job we two. 
I wrote loran a text message that I have my phoneback. He answered. And I wanted to answer him... I just sent a short message to Miranda during lunch period and wanted to write Loran, that it's probably not a good idea to text me when I'm in school, when suddenly a teacher appeared behind me. "Did we wrote a nice text?" "Yes, Sir." "Follow me please". And again was my phone away. Crap. Isn't it ironically, that they took my phone, just when I wanted to wrote someone, that I shouldn't text during school? I should have followed my own advice, and shouldn't have texted. But, really, what's the problem with texting during lunch? It's not like I miss any class!
People who know me know, I hate talking while I eat. So even if i wouldn't text during lunch, I would not talk more.
Whatever, I don't really need the phone, actually i just have it on, so I can wait for a text message. That keeps me from fall asleep in school. 
But today I was so tired, it wouldn't have made a real difference.
Annoying was, that I had to wait for about 30 minutes, after football practice. It ended very early, but Loran of course couldn't know that.
And it was kind of stupid, that I had to be online to chat with people, just sending a SMS is way easier. Then I can be whereever I want and do whatever I want to do. Enough about cellphones.

Football practice wasn't very good. I caught after the warm up just about 3 balls. One of my contacts was broken, so I couldn't see very well, and I forgot my gloves at home. And it was hot! But I still had fun. Maybe I should become something like a cornerback. Just run against other people.

Of course the day wasn't completely bad. I had fun in English class. The best thing about A-days. We watched a movie about the witch trials in Salem. Terrible story. 150 people were innocent in jail, 3 peolpe died there. And 20 people were executed.
Later the teacher read statements, and we had to decide if it's a 'always a sin', 'sometimes' or 'never'. Like, not voting is in my opinion never a sin. If the people don't care by whom they are governed, it's their own business. Murder is always a sin. And some more statements like that.
When we walked back, Saige slaped my butt. Ali said, she can't do that, because I have a girlfriend. I slapeded Alis butt and told her, that I think my girlfriend don't care so much about that. I hope.
Hmm, is slap the right word there? Or should I use clap or hit?
I guess I will change it sometimes. But not now, it's late, I go to bed now.
Good night America, good morning germany, hello rest of the world!


  1. Thank you so very much my dear little brother :D

    I had a body-relax-massage about 1 hour! I had to wash my hair three times after this, because it was so oily...
    friday, i celebrate with my friends but before it I will go coloring my hair black with a little blue streak/strand(?) :D
    So stupid: After the very short holidays I write History and Geography class test and a Greek test (what's the difference between class test and test or what's the english word for "Test"?!)
    So much to learn and I just want to relax!!!

    But ok, we wrote our BK class test just about two pages and we will write the next Frensh class test, an essay, at home!! xD

    *kiss* Jessi

  2. What? They took away your cellphone during lunch? oO
    Oh my gosh, I have to watch out the next time :D
    Because I'm actually texting like every lunch, and this one time when Haley wasn't there and I was sitting alone, I was just reading eMails the whole 30 minutes.. and nobody did even say something :D
    And I usually also have hold it very high in the air to get some connection...

    I guess, you just had very bad luck :p

