Monday, November 8, 2010

Just a normal day in America

Austin, November 8th

Yesterday was change from Summer time/Day savings time back to normal time. I almost forgot it. If I hadn't seen that the time at the computer and my cellphone is different than the time on every watch in that house, I would have just ignored the time changing. But so I came on the great idea to write a text message with 'Hey, what time is it?'. Stupid content, but better than get up one hour to early today.
I like normal time better than summer time. I'm not as tired in the morning. At least the first some days.
Actually is the summer time crap. I read some studies and researches about the summer/normal time change. It's useless. In fact, it has some big disadvantages. Cows who should be milked, give less milk, because they are confused by the new time. Not really a problem for the majority of us, but for the poor little cows.
Trains have to wait somewhere for one hour or they bring the schedule in disorder. Or they come one our to late to their destination. Students who forget the time change date wait for an hour for their bus or train or again, they come one hour to late. I think hat never happened to me, but it's possible. And I read some important business issues, but I can't remember them right now. I just now that the summer time makes no sense, nobody saves anything.

I woke up early. For normal time early, for summer time not. I made a coffee. No first I googled what kind of coffee is stronger, dark or light roasted beans. And whatever else I could find about coffee. I was bored so I just read everuthing I could find. THEN I made coffee. And then I wanted a club sandwich. But I couldn't remember what everything was in it, so I just mada a bacon, ham, pepperoni sandwich. Then I took a shower, wanted to make my bed, looked at my alarm clock and saw that I will miss my bus when I don't run the 20 yards to the bus stop. I don't know why I always run, the bus is never punctually.

In football class we had a very special training. The first time in the history of Visat Ridge that a football team was weight lifting to prepare for the play offs. I had really fun, I'm so excited for the game on friday.
But it sucks that I'm not in the varsity team. But still, we will have a better bus and I think we will get new jerseys. That's so cool.

In theater class we played again some Lazzis. I played with a for me pretty much new group. Maybe I had some little improve szenes with one of them, I'm not sure. But it was really funny. ADDs people without their ritalin are very funny - and I'm not just talking about myself.

The freshman team joined us today in football practice. I liked it to help them. It's something new, that i help Americans in football.
It was weird, I dropped some really easy balls, but I caught almost every ball when the sun was shining in my eyes and i couldn't see them! Maybe I should trust more my instincts than my eyes, like a Jedi... and I should stop to think about Star Wars all the time.

Sooo... other things that happened today...
Lauren has a cute little belly button piercing. Loran is back from his cruise. I hurt a finger in football again. 
Diana liked to pull my shirt and let it snap back. She didnt wore such a flexibly shirt like I, so i couldn't do that with her. Brian made a salto over Alex when we actually should rehears our play. Looked cool, but you can tell, that he is hyper without ritalin. Loran showed me pictures from the cruise, it's a nice ship. And he gave me a keychain he bought on the cruise. I love keychains.

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