Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Exchange Breakfast

Austin, November 10th

Today was the 5th Annual Exchange Student Breakfast. Invited weren't not just we four German exchange students, but also the students who just moved to America. I got known a guy from Brazil and a girl from Australia. I think the girls has been in one of my classes. The boy I've not seen before. Lauren told me that he exist, but more I didn't know. And the RAP students were there. Thats a club from the school, I think. I knew many of the people there. Some from classes and some I just met somewhere, like on a football game. And to some people, which I actually should know from a class, I talked the first time.
It's funny how excited they become, when they here that I have an American girlfriend. And they always tell it everyone else who is close.
Actually the breakfast ended at 10. But we stayed there during Ranger time and the other three also for second period, I think. It was much more fun than my own Ranger time class. We have couches, and played a game. And the room looked more comfortable than the room I used to be. I'd liked to stay there longer, but I can't skip football class. The coaches know me, and they would know if I miss class, but come to practice. And if I miss something I can't go to the play offs.

My theater teacher wasn't there. So we watched a movie with the theater tech class. But it was a boring musical and so some of us left the room. I'm not sure if the teacher didn't care or didn't noticed that we left.

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