Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lullaby League & Lollipop Guild

Austin, November 28th

Last free day, I'm looking forward for the school, but I don't want to get up so early every day. But I enjoy my last day. At about 330 came Miranda. We had fun and watched Scrubs, then we went to her house. Actually we wanted to watch 'The wizard of Oz', but we watched Spiderman 3 while we started to decorate her house for christmas. 3 trees and lots of lights are in the house, I wonder how it will look like when they finished decorating.
We went for dinner to Sonic and then she brought me home.
Before I went to bed I watched 'Wizard of Oz' with Loran and Gary. It's a silly movie, but suddenly make many jokes from other series sense, they often refer to the Wizard of Oz!

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