Friday, November 5, 2010

One big family

Austin, November 5th

Another week is over. Where is my time?
Even the time in school is running. I don't know why the American school day is so quick over, compared with the German day. Maybe it's because we have more breaks and more classes in Germany.
In football class we were in the weight room, in history we have a seat plan. I don't have new neighbors. on of them sat next to me the last some weeks and the other guy sat next to me the weeks before.
In english class we rated some posters of other students. Some were about the witch trials of Samem, other about the pilgrims and some abou other events or people of the American history.And the rest of the time we read books or magazines. I read something about Star Wars Episode 1. I think the next time, we have this SSR / reading time, I will continuine with that book. It looks interesting.
Later today, Daphanie brought me to the football game. It started good, but then it got boring. The endscore was 61:7 for the Rangers. I cheered the first some touchdowns, but then I didn watch the game anymore, but talked to Sivonna and Erika. And I got know Kerri, the last drum major. First she wasn't very happy about meeting me. Someone told her about the kidnapping and the roof, so she was scared that I would do something to her, too. Actually, I have some nice ideas what i could do with her, but for one thing I would need a boat and for the other a airplane. And I have to get her on the boat or plane. Would probable not work, so I have to think about something else. Or she is just the lucky one, and I don't do anything to her.
After the game I talked to some guys from the JV teams and waited for Miranda. I watched her tidying up the band stuff and met some other band guys.
Some of them call me dad! And Miranda is mom. And abou a half dozen of them hugged me. Some of them, most of them, I've never seen before. But okay, I'm a nice guy, if they want to hug their 'dad', why not? 
And one person, I think his name is Paul, want me to call him. He is one of the guys I've never met before so I think I wont call him. And I don't have his number, so even if i want to call, I couldn't. Someone else told me how he likes his pancakes. Very important to know, isn't it?

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