Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Take me home...

Austin, November 30th

A day with highs and deeps.
My first high was that I met my girlfriend before school. On the way to my first class I realized a big difference between German and American teacher. Americans are more 'connected' with their students. Actually I realized it when I high-fived my theater teacher when I saw her. But You can see such things often, and they usually ask you whats going on with you. Not like German teacher who just say hello, IF they say something. They expect us to greet them, but they mostly ignore us. Exept for the few times we jump up and down direct for they noses and wave, but we do that not very often, it looks silly.

But my first down came soon. In second period. All the Juniors in the football team got a Versity lockerroom locker. Exept for those who missed to much training the last few weeks and of course: Exchange Students.
Great, I'm probably the only person who has no chance of getting into the Varsity lockerroom, everyone else can earn a locker there. That sucks.
I kind of hope that everyone earns a varsity locker, than will I have the whole room for me alone. Would be cool. And boring!
And we had to return our football equipment today. If I will ever see that stuff again?
For tomorrow I have to bring shorts and t-shirt for football class, because we had to give our clothes back too.
Some of the football boys asked me all the time what I did in the break and then they laughed. I wonder why, I was most of the time very well behaved. Well, always, exept for maybe one day, but how know they about that?

Our English teacher gave us a project to do, until thursday! She really could have mentioned that one class earlier!

Since we don't have football practice after school anymore, I took the bus home. The first time that I knew some people there! I shared my seat with Charmaine, the girl I met at homecoming game and later a few times. In the next seat sat JP, a boy from theater class. And some seats back one of the football team.  That was actually a pretty fun drive home.

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