Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Base line

Austin, December 1st

We started to test our base line tests for our off-season training today. The coaches want to know how fast we are, how agile, how strong and compare then in a few weeks how much better we got.
We started with 40 yards running and shuffle run. I'm not the best of the team, but by far not the worst. Actually I think with under 5 seconds for shuffle I'm pretty good. And the 40 yards in under 6 seconds, but I want to get that under 5 too. 

In multimedia we had to decide for two poster and until friday we have to decide which of those two we will create in the next two weeks. I really want to do the Star Wars poster, but I dont know any little boys here, who could pose for Anakin Skywalker. My second poster is Scarface, this one looks pretty cool too.

In theater we played. That what Alex, Jessi and I rehearsed was a bit short, so we added short before we played much new stuff. So we had to improv again, improv theater is really fun. Alex was a surgeon who don't really care about surgery, Jessi was a surgeon who don't speaks English and I was the smart guy. t wasn't our choice, the characters were given, we just choose that we want to be surgeons. And right before we started we asked Tiffany if she wants to be our victim 'Arnold Schwarzenegger'. Maybe a bit weird that a girl plays Schwarzenegger, but it should be fun for us, and we really had fun. Jessi had so many ideas what she could misunderstood that I hardly could sto her from doing mistakes and realize at the same time that Alex cuts Arnold-Tiffanies eye out to look if it's really red like in the Terminator movie. I came to late, somehow he lost the eye and Jessi stood on it, and -smart as my character is- I run away, I really don't want to see Schwarzenegger angry because one of his eyes is missing.
Yea, we had really fun on the stage.
Most of the day I spent with doing to English project. It was a lot of work, but but the result looks great, in my Version of the Crucible play Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley the main characters John Proctor and Abigail Williams. I looked hours for pictures I could use, but in the end I used just two of them. Gary wanted to help me and he changed most of my desogn, but his looks better, or better, the design we found in the Internet. He helped me to draw the poster, I would never be able to draw a knot so good as he drew it.

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