Saturday, December 25, 2010


Austin, December 25th

I woke up and had lots of merry-christmas-wishes on my cellphone. Why get people so early up on christmas?
Gary made me make breakfast. He gave the directions and I followed. The bacon hates me, I'm pretty sure it planned to kill me with hot oil drops flying around.
After breakfast we opened our gifts. I GOT COWBOY BOOTS!

They are hot, aren't they?
I wore them the whole day, and I'd like to wear them the whole night too. But of course I won't, thats ridiculous.
And I got a poster, from myself in my Jersey and helmet. God I miss the football games. Its hanging now in my bedroom.
Here are really a lot of pictures of me in this house.
We had much fun with unwrapping gifts. I gave Loran some cologne, Loran had for Gary cologne. I both got some other body spray stuff from me. And I got some deodorants. From Axe, my favourite brand. And pretty soon there were a lot of different smells and nothing really fit together. Boys and cologne, a deadly combination for everyone who likes fresh air.

Pretty soon after the presents it was time to start cooking dinner. The meat needed about 3 hours to cook. And guess who had to cook. Me. Of course Gary told me again what to do.
After we prepared dinner and the meat was cooking I got a call. From Germany! My best friend Eric called me. Finally someone with who I can talk in German. I mean German how I speak it, not that proper high language German stuff i have to use to communicate with my german friends here or teacher who know German.
The dinner was good. I think I put a bit to much salt on the meat or the sauce, but it was still good.
After dinner I baked finally my cake ready. The dough was over a day in the fridge and hard in the beginning, but wet in the end. The 'decoration' didn't work so well as usual. It looks kind of blurry. But at least this time it's just the taste that matters. Next time I wil take more care and then it will look how a Linzer in my family has to look like. As a perfect end of the day we watched Star Wars.
Yoda sounds in the original so funny!
Hmm, I just realize, I haven't visit any christmas service this year!

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