Sunday, December 5, 2010

TV church is bad!

Austin, December 5th

Today I wanted to try something completely new for me, watch church service on TV! But -OH MY GOD!- I couldn't do it. I really tried 3 defferent channels. But once they sung so bad that I changed, there was the minister, well, incredible. He cried a lot, then he made stupid jokes, then he cried more and talked about sins. He said, if our grandfather was a sinner, then was our father a sinner too, and so are we. Our grandfathers sin is our sin too, blablabla... What is he talking about? Why should my grandpas sin be mine too? And then he talked about sins. I absolutely don't agree with what he thinks what everything a sin is. Even when he says the same thing five times, it wont make me believe what he says. And then he started to cry again and I switched channels. I don't need a stranger talking bad about my grandpa (probably I missed the beginning of his speech and he talked about something else too, but what I heard was more "Mist" than I can handle with before lunch). The next terrible choir. I changed channels to something funny.
I used to know my minister, the last few in Germany I met sometimes in private, and the one from the Cowboy church I al least talked to once, but a TV minister is to unpersonal for me. That's why I like going to little churches for service and big churches just to look at.

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