Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Austin, December 15th

Vista Ridge Pictures proudly presents:

My multimedia project is ready. A little bit change in the text, me as the dangerous Alpacino Scarface, uhm Armando Scareface, a new restricted sign and this yellow dot with a scorpion or whatever it is, and voila, here is my poster. 100% selfmade, I think the sign was the most difficult part. But it was all the work worth, simple and elegant, my masterpiece.

In theater we wrote our midterm final. It was a pretty funny test. A few questions about what we learned. Or should have learned. Two of the questions made me a little nervous, I absolutely couldn't remember how all the curtains in a theater are called. But hey, two questions aren't that much, and Ms Dye actually gave me points for 'Roter Vorhang' as name for the first curtain. The second one was really wrong.
My favourite questions were 'Name 5 people in this class and what color shirt they are wearing today' and 'What did you learn about yourself?' 'I learned that I can make Americans laugh with my accent and that I love Tishya, Haley, Cristine, Diana, Moreia, Tiffany, Michael & Ms Dye.' I got also points for that.
All in all 96 points, and for every joke answer ful points. Boy, I love that class!

After the final we had lots of time left, but nothing to do. So I shared some of the Milka chocolate with my class. I gave Ms Dye one bar as christmas present, she acted like my multimedia teacher earlier, when I gave her a bar for christmas, she hugged me. Who said you can't buy friends??

After I started to give one of the girls a massage, soon we had a whole 'massage chain'. On person stood after another and gave the person in front of him a massage. Was pretty fun. But they said my massages are the best.
I guess at least this class will remember me when I go back to Germany next year. 

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