Monday, December 13, 2010

In excelsis deo

Austin, December 13th

Christmas songs everywhere. In TV, in the radio, in my mind and even in shops is everywhere christmas songs to hear. Unfortunately I like just a few of them, or the song is ruined by a stupid company to make it fit to their more stupid commercial. It's a pity.
At leeast the songs in the Starbucks Coffee, where I went to with Suzi to do our Algebra Final Review sheet, were most of the songs good. Especially Gloria in excelsis deo, one of my favourite church songs, I enjoyed.

The last school week of this year started, and will be soon over, with two half days in school and all the exams. I wrote a test in Multimedia about Photoshop. It's somehow required, but it doesn't count very much. It wasn't really hard, I think the teacher didn't know what to ask, because some of the questions, especially the true or false questions, were a little bit weird. I remember the last two: 'Todays date is January 1st' and 'Mrs Koster is a good teacher (be careful what you answer)'. Well, it's absulutely wrong that we already have January and with a thread included in the last question, is it clear to answer with true.
The theater final will be very interesting, too. One of the question is to write what we learned about our teacher, one thing what we learned about ourselves and then the names of 5 people in the class and what color their shirt at this day has. By this way, theater class was great. I wore a Roman soldier helmet all class. For the Cinderella play of my group I first wanted to wera a hat, then we changed to a crown but then we found this awesome golden helmet. It looked pretty weird, a prince in blue jeans, a pilot jacket and a Roman helmet, but I had fun. All of our costumes today were a little weird. Sebastian wore a straw hat and a tie as odl gat guy, and fairy wings and a broomstick as fairygodmother. Jessi had a fur as ball dress, Tiffanys/Cindarellas shoe was a slipper, and all in all we just wore what we liked in the props room, hardly something fitted really. But we had fun and the class, classes to be exact, the Theater Tech class watched, too, said it was really funny.

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