Sunday, December 12, 2010


Austin, December 12th

After the TV church was such a flop last week, I went to a real church today. It was really good. The seats were comfortable, the girl next to me pretty (no I'm not writing about any random girl, I sat next to Lauren), the communion not with the stupid oblate and the pastor didn't cry all the time.
After service I went to Lauren. We baked Ginger bread, actually she baked. I just carried Laurens little sister Lissi while she was carrying the ingredients, then I played hide and seek with Lissi and Laurens other little sister Kathy. But they liked more to use me as a horse, all the time someone hung on my back or sat on my shoulder. Later we watched Lord of the Rings (Frodo is weak!!)

After dinner Gary and I watched Pearl Harbor. An interesting movie. I'm just still not 100% sure from whom the girl was pregnant. I think from the second guy, but he said short before he died 'No you!' when the first dude told him, that #2 will be father.
Anyway, I liked the movie, I like flying, but I'm pretty sure that I will not become a Air force pilot. Getting shot and land in cold water, trapped in his own plane is not an experience I want to make. And my eyes are pretty bad, so the Air Force, or more likely the German Luftwaffe wouldn't take me as a fighter pilot.

After the movie Loran and I went for a short workout to the gym.

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