Friday, December 3, 2010


Austin, December 3rd

In Spanish I turned finally the homeworks from almost a month ago in, at that day was the Exchange student breakfast and so I wasn't in Spanish class.
In football we did our last baseline test. Two different kinds of weight lifting, the coach told me that the bar weighs 45 pounds. Now I understand how I had 245lbs with just a little more then 4 times 45pound weights.
In multimedia I decided that I will creat the Scarface poster.
And in my last class, theater, we watched movies. And I watched Jessi putting her makeup on, I just watched, this time I didn't put it on my face. I was a good boy this time, I didn't even wore Sallys cat-cap for a long time, it was to warm, so I put it on Tiffanies head. In the end Alex wore it, it looked really 'sexy'.

Later I made dinner, meat loaf, Gary told me what to do and I cooked. Then Loran and i went to the gym. And after a long good workout I bought a dozen donuts at Dunkin Donuts. I heard a lot about Dunkins, but I think I like Krispy Kremes better. But better than nothing, I feel like I haven't had donuts for months!

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