Monday, December 6, 2010


Austin, December 6th
I almost forgot that it's Nikolaus day! My favourite day in december. In Germany the children put their shoes outside and the Nikolaus, a guy who looks pretty much like Santa Claus, just with the big difference that Nikolaus REALLY existed (some hundret years ago) put candy and oranges and nuts and sometimes toys in it. Of course just if your shoes are clean.
Here of course he didn't come. Probably he can't swim over the ocean, or it was because I forgot to clean my shoes and put them out.
But I got something else: a huge package from Germany! With an Adventskarnz and Adventskalender and a little present and LOTS of chocolate!
Just in case you wonder why I wear a suit, I just felt like it.
I guess Michaels attituda influenced my. He sometimes comes veeery fancy dresed to school. Well, actually I wore it, because I need a picture of me in that for my Multimedia project. I recreate the Alpacino Scraface movie poster with me as Scarface. I I liked it so much, I stayed dressed up the rest of the day.

This Adventskranz Mama sent me, together with the
Adventskalender we have a little German christmas decoration here.  

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