Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Austin, December 31st

We cleaned the house for the beginning of a new year. After we cleaned the house for hours, I wanted to practice a bit on the guitar. BANG! The e-string broke. Great, I bought it just yesterday and today it's already broken. When Loran came home from work, we drove th the music store too get a new one. I got it for free, and the cashier tuned the guitar, too. Finally it sounded good. Back home I played 'Blowing in the wind' almost perfect. The A-chord makes me some problems, the strings are to close together, I will need a lot of practice to get this chord right.
Now the e-string sounds good when I just play the single string, but if I play a chord it sounds funny. Maybe I touch it with a finger by mistake?
At seven we went downtown to Sixth Street. We walked a bit around and ate in a seafood restaurant. The walls of the restaurant were over and over taped with pictures of customers. We draw some pitures, too, Gary is the best drawer of us three.
The we went to Esther's Folleys New Years Show. It was very funny. And the magican was AWESOME! I have absolutely no idea how he did his tricks, some of them were really impressive.
After the show we walked at Sith Street around. There was much to see. Like A Hummer Limousine! And some men in Scot skirts, and a lot of weird looking people. I guess the slogan of Austin really fits to the city: 'Keep Austin Weird!'
At about 2am Steffen and Daniel picked me up and we lit some firework. We had much fun, even when I got a shot from a roman fire in the face. Feels not very good, but I didn't burn or something, it just got hot. I still can feel it a bit, but there is nothing to see, so it's no problem.
Happy New Year everyone. I wish y'all a successfull and joyful year 2011!

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