Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas break

Austin, December 18th

First day of christmas break and I'm already bored. Well, at least in the morning. Eating and watching TV, working out and eat more isn't very fun. Especially when the American TV is most of the time just crap.
But I had a great evening! I were at Lauren's and we watched movies. Once again: Lauren's little sisters are SOOOOO cute. We layon the floor, watching Avatar, Lauren with Katherine and I with Lizzy in the arm.
Later Lauren and I watched Shrek 2 together, before she brought me home.
At this point, if ever someone from CIEE or TravelWorks reads this: YOUR STUDENTS-ARE-NOT-ALLOWED-TO-DRIVE-RULE IS SHIT!! We are in the country of unlimited distances. Being depended from someone with a car sucks.
Since I'm in Texas I should think about handle this situation like a cowboy, a horse. I don't think there is any rule against horseback riding. I'm just not sure if I can ride on the interstate or highways.

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