Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another day before christmas

Austin, December 21st

It's a nice hot summer day. Oh wait, it's a few day before christmas. But it's still incredible hot. It felt like 80 to 90 degrees. For Not-Americans or people who are not used to Fahrenheit (who are usually not Americans) it's fricking HOT!!
I need a hair cut, so I went the whole long Aver Ranch Boulevard down to the neighborhood with the barber shop. But there were about one dozend customers, so I just went to a store, bought a christmas present and went the whole street back. 
I got my haircut later today, before I went to the gym. I hadn't had to wait long then. The guy who cut my hair was a korean. He said with my 'awesome' English, I could be there a English teacher and make lots of money. But I think that aint gonna happen. Being teacher is the worst job I can imagine. Every day wasting time to try to teach hundrets of students, who don't even care. I know how annoying students are, I am one of them -especially in German class, last year in Germany, that was awesome. But I would probably flip out if someone starts to sing 'Hush little baby' or other sleep songs everytime someone has to read. But hey, I really wanted to know the text of this song, so I had to practice, and the tiring voice of some people are perfect to get in the mood for those songs. Actually, it didn't work, I already forgot the text.
Back to the present, after I got my haircut I went with Loran to the gym.
He said I look like a military pilot with short hair. Working out made us hungry, so we got some burritos and watched 'For the boys' while we ate. I actually didn't pay much attention, but boy, that lady knows a lot of dirty jokes!

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