Sunday, December 26, 2010

UT Campus

Austin, December 26th

Gary and I were downtown today. We were in a museum on the University of Texas Campus, so I wore my UT shirt. I think it was the first time since I bought it. And i wore my boots, the first time outside. I LOVE them!
The museum was okay. It was about the history of Texas, but I couldn't really see a storyline or something. Here they talked about Spanish conquestadores, there suddenly cosmonautes. And then back to I don't know what. They need a bit a better organization. In the same building was an I-MAX. A great 3D-Cinema. We watched TRON. Like all of the new 3D movies with very much light effects. With all I mean Tron and Avatar, more 3D I haven't seen the last few months. I wonder if there will come more movies in wich the lights are more important than a exciting story.
But whoever wrote Tron must have a lot of imagination. Sometimes the story was very complex, sometimes a bit boring. Gary said the same.
For dinner we were in a restaurant. I had chicken-fried steak. Sounds weird, 'chicken-fried'. And it tasted a bit weird. But the beans and rice were good.
Right when I wanted to go to bed, I suddenly thought about Spätzle. I don't know why, and the next thought was: I forgot about a christmas gift of my parents! When they sent me the package, there was a very little wrpped box, I put it under the tree and forgot it. So I went to the tree and looked for it. I needed almost fife minutes until I found it, red paper on a red ground and bad light. But I found it, and what was it? A swiss army knive, model Cadet. I think thats the civil model that comes closest to the Model 1961, the one that was used by the Swiss Army until 2008. Just the reamer is missing, and replaced by a file. But who cares? I love it! Thanks Mama and dad! Now I just have to remember that American schools are much stricter with the no knives rule than German schools. 

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Marc, das Original war von Wenger, aber von dem hat Dir ja das Emblem nicht gefallen ... .
