Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Austin, December 28th

I slept a loong time. Many of my friends want, or have to spend time with their families, but my hostparents worked, so I did pretty much nothing. I guess the highlight ofmy day was that I found a friend named Sierra in facebook. I met her some months ago in theater class, but then she suddenly disapeared in facebook and school.
It turned out that she goes now to an other school.
Americans have so nice names, but I guess I just like them so much, because they are new for me. I heard German names all my life. And lots of French names, because I life close to France. But English names I know just from TV, and there they have all the same names, Jack or Charlie or Betty. Here I meet often people with names I've never heard before. Thats really cool, when I will have children, I will have a HUGE choice of names.

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