Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lightning, Thunder and other new experiences

Austin, December 9th

I'm not sure if I Thunder 5 or Lightning 3 or someone completely different am. I looked on the plan just long enough to see who my trainingspartner is and followed him. Actually I looked yesterday, and I thought I saw my name in the Thunder 5 group. But today when I run to the weight room I thought my name was under Lightning 3. But at least i know for sure that Seth is my trainingspartner in the weightroom and Cooper is my teamleader at the competition team. I'm a swoildier, or something like that. Sound almost like soldier but somewhere is a w. Those teams are to increase the competition between the players by collecting points thru work hard and make so everyone stronger.

But in the weight room everyone who has time cheers and pushes everyone. IF we have time. But most of the time everyone is doing something. It was easier than yesterday, but still hard. My back, legs and neck hurt. I'm pretty sure that I tried now every machine in the weight room, some are very weird. Actually just the one for the neck, it looks very stupid the push the pad with your neck back.
But my left shoulder kills me. After school I just lay down to relax, so sore I haven't been for ages. Two days in a row are enough for the beginning, tomorrow we are going outside.
I wished I could do in German schools as much sport as here. That would be so awesome.

My multimedia project is almost finished. I recreated more of the poster than my teacher wanted. 'Marc you don't have to write all those little lines!' Well, to late, I couldn't read what the original poster sais, so I made old little jokes like: "If you can read this, you have good eyes." Or a thank you to my teacher for showing me how to use Photoshop. I just can't think of a title. She wants e to change Alpacino Scarface, but into what?

Theater class was fun. We have to edit a faitytale. My group changed Cindarella a bit. Unfortunately tries the prince to put the shoe on Cindarellas wrong foot, so it of course doesn't fit. But the gay guy one house farther fits the shoe, so the prince sees his true love in him. It was really difficult to practice when someone takes fotos. I hope that the girls with the camere weren't from the yearbook staff, but I have the feeling that they are...
After the rehearsal I let give me a massage from the new girl in our class. It felt GOOD, would have been better without Tishya in front of me who wanted a massage from me.

I had a nice, but stressful day.

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