Friday, December 10, 2010

Austin, December 10th

What a day. You should think I sleep long and deep after two so hard workouts, but the cats were able to keep me awake almost the whole night. First one of them wanted to sleep in my bed, in the middle of the night she satets to lick my hair. I gave her some foot and went back to bed, then the other cat started to make annoying noises, I close the door and the first cat tried to come into my room again. I think she scratched at the door or did somehow else noises. So I let her in and she wanted out again. So I let the door open, for the case she wants in again, but now I couldn't fall asleep anymore. Super, everything hurt and I did hardly sleep.
So I went to school and was happy that i didn't had to do anything but relax my legs in Algebra. I have a 105 in the test, so no need to make corrections. So the teacher asked me to pick some copies up in the copy room. I walked through the whole first story of the building to find it, or a teacher who could show me where it was. But the person in that room couldn't find the copies. So I went back to class, where the teacher told me that someone brought them while I was away.
In football we run, the first drills where we learned how to run 'right' were okay, but then we had to run a whole lap as fast as possible. Terrible!
And in history we learned how to dance the charleston. A very weird kind of that dance, absolutely not how I learned it in my dance class last year.

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