Saturday, December 11, 2010

Homework and Donuts

Austin, December 11th

I feel much better today, just my legs and my shoulder hurt anymore, but I can life with that. My shoulder hurt since over one year every few days, so thats really nothing new. Tip to everyone: Don't break your clavicle, it's a really annoying thing.

I did lots of school works today, mostly history. Next week are semester finals and I exempt just Spanish and English, so I have to learn for the other classes. Actually just for history.
Football class finals are, well I guess just participate in the workouts. Algebra is easy, for theater and multimedia we practically get the solutions before we write the finals. So there is just one class left.
But for this I really had to do a lot.
What a luck that we don't have those finals in Germany. The German history is much longer and complexer than the US American history.
After dinner we went to Krispy Kream and bought donuts. Than we watched Indiana Jones and ate some of them.

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