Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Austin, December 22nd

I sleep to much. I absolutely sleep to much. I waste the little time I have with being in bed. Even when I'm not tired, just because I'm to lazy to get up.
But today I did a lot, compared to the last days. I went with Gary to walmart to get groceries, we forgot that I bought them and so we goofed around in Sports Authority. I thought about buying a paintball or a soft gun. But I don't need them, I actually don't even know what to do with them. And I don't need golf stuff either, I have access to a golf course, but the clubs feel weird. For me reason enough not to play golf. At least not now. Lunch we had at Schlotzkys. I tried the new Hawaiian sandwich. The pineapple is missing.
Luckily Gary remembered the groceries when we arrived home, I fould have forgotten them in the trunk.
At about 4 I went to Laurens. We wrapped her presents and baked many, many, maaaaany cookies. And of course I played with her sisters. Lauren said Lissy has a crush on my, I though that since she couldn't stop staring at me at church two weeks ago. Pretty cute actually, but I'm 11 years older, so she don't really has a chance.
Before she brought me home we started watching 'Phantom of the Opera'. The main characaters have unbelievable high sing voices. I really want to know how the mask stays of the face of this one guy.  

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