Thursday, November 4, 2010

The laundromat robber

November 4th

Loran left today for a cruise. He will be away until monday morning.
In Spanish we wrote the second part of our test. I think it's the first time, that I wrote one test on two different days. 
Theater class was great. The best thing today, since I have no game. We should write in groups Lazzis. Thats like a little script that says you who you are and what happens, or what kind of person you are, but the rest you have to improv. We wrote about Dracula. We organized props, a sword as cross and a huge gun, and had some good ideas what to play. But later in the auditorium the teacher told us, that we olay the Lazzis of other groups. Mrs Dye said something about partners, I wasn't really listening, so I looked for a partner. Or better the partner looked for me, Tishya wanted me to be her partner. But the Lazzi we got was for 4 people. Jessiaca joined us and the 4th person we skipped. 
Tishya and I were in a laudromat. I think it was called like that. Thate's were you can go, to wash your clothes, if you don't can do the laundry at home.
And Jessica was a robber. The probably worst robber I've ever seen. I ahven't seen much real robber, so she IS the worst one. She wanted to steal the Quarter coins of the machines, but when she shot to open those machines, the bullet flew back and killed her. Shit happens. But a good opportunity for Tishya and me to take the coins and disappear.
That was pretty much my day, not very exciting.

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