Monday, November 22, 2010


Austin, November 22nd

Yay, three days no school in a row. And no football practice, it feels like I haven't had a football free monday for years. And I miss it. But this week I won't think about school. Just relax, a whole week.

So the only thing I did today was going to a 'outdoor' Mall with Gary. It's like a big neighborhood with more shops than living houses. The first shop we went to was an Apple Shop. The new Ipod Touch is great, I hink I will buy one. The price is pretty good, about 300$ for the 32GB version.
If I buy an laoptop from Apple, I don't know yet. They look good, and are very good. But I don't really know how to use them. I always had a Windows OS, I never used Linux.

The last shop was a book store. A huge book store. They had lots of Star Wars books. I thought of buying one or two, but I never have time to read. I land twice a book from the school library. From the first book I read about 4 chapters, the second one I didn't even open.
Gary and I listen to a book, which played sounds of the Star Wars movies. In the book were many pictures of movie scenes and a number. And then we looked for the number at a little computer an the corner of the book and if played the sound to that scene. Like shooting a gun, the engine sound of a space ship or the great voice of Chewy.
Then I invited Gary for a cup of Coffee in the top story of the store.

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