Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Austin, November 17th

Again the school bus. At least I met Charmaine there, so I had someone to talk to.
In Algebra the dasks stand now different, hopefully they stay like this. I sat down in a corner, so I can lean against the wall, and at the side I have spance for my feet. The American school tables are so small!
We wrote a test. it was so easy. Maybe I should ask my German math teacher to go for some year to America and ask an American teacher to come to my school. It would make school a lot easier.
In history we started to speak about World War One. At the end of class everyone should write a question on a sheet of paper, throw the paper and take an other one. I had a great question. Do you think it was right, that America joined the WWI?
As a German I of course don't want a strong country like the USA fight against Germany. But if I would be an American I would answer different, based on what I learned today, I guess it was the right decicion to bring 'fresh' soldiers in the war, before the Central Powers could end it in Europe and bring the war to America.

After school I was the first time for weeks in the Gym. I had a good workout and I feel much better now. I guess I will sleep really good tonight. And i was finally in the hot tub and the sauna again. And one of the men there gave me the tip to work on my schoulder muscles. That would help me to strenghen my arms and my back.
After I worked out I took a picture of myself and wanted to send it to my girlfriend... but somehow I sent it to the wrong girl! I'm sometimes really too stupid!

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