Saturday, November 13, 2010

Two great days...

Austin, November 13th

I came late home after the football game. And after dinner I took a bath. I guess it's the firt time that I took a bath at about 1 o'clock in the morning. But it was good!
Some times very late I finally went to bed. I slept long and relaxed over the day.
After dinner Gary brought me to Laurens house. I had fun jokig around with her sweet little sisters.
I think they like swords. At halloween they stole my pirate sword and today they attacked me with a lightsaber.
We tried to let their oldest dog into the house, but keep the other two outside. It wasn't easy, they are very fast! Then we watched two movies. First Nightmare before Christmas, later Monsters vs Aliens.
I had a fun evening at her house.

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