Sunday, November 21, 2010


Austin, November 21st

I sleeped long and after breakfast, we had soup, I watched some TV. I saw a very weird commercial for a medicine against pain caused by overreacted muscles. They warned that the medicine might cuase suicide thoughts or actions, make problems with breathing, let swell four hands and much, much other stuff. Why would someone take medicine that could make you jumping from a bridge or do some other stuff to kill yourself. If you don't do it right you will have much more pain than you had before you took that medicine. And if you do it right you are dead. Both not very nice options.I saw this commercial about 5 times, because I couldn't believe what I saw and heard.
For dinner we wanted to go to a billard hall. Right when we left I got a text message from Miranda, whether I want to come to her and Lauren. So I went to them after I lost some games of billard against Gary and Loran. Against Loran I almost won! But when I had just the 8-ball left, I put the white ball in a hole... shit happens.
At Laurens we watched a movie. Later Alec joined us and we four went to Walmart. Then we watched another movie 'The Increcdibles'. Sometimes before midnight they brought me home.

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