Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fun day in school

Austin, November 16th

And again the cold boring school bus. Before school I had time to meet Miranda.
It's stupid to be in school twenty minutes before the class starts, most of my friends come later. And who is already there is somehwere in the huge school, that I often don't know who where to meet.
School was retty funny today. In football the sun shone us direct in the eyes, when we receiver practiced. it happened often that the one who should catch just stood there, hold his hands up and tried to see something. And in that time the ball hit his facemask. To me it happened just once. The rest of the time the ball was to high or I catched it somehow, without really see it. It's so much easier to catch a ball in this 'pass hole' practice, than in plays or in real games.
In theater class we played 'the dating game'. It's like one of those stupid dating shows in TV, but every bachelor get a character, like a drunk teacher or a shizophrenic. And the candidate has to ask questions, usually two to every bachelor, to guess what character they have. When I was the candidate  I was pretty sure about the characters after the first question. They talked all the time with each other or acted, so I didn't know what to ask. And always I had a question I needed so long to get the attention of the girls that I always forgot the question and then I accidently cursed. In English. I wonder why I didn't said something in my motherlanguage. That's easier and the teacher can't understand me. I guess i just spend to much time with the football players. I hear all the time bad words from them. Whatever, the class thought it was funy and the teacher didn't say anything. And then I absolutely couldn't think about another senseful question. So I just said what I thought they are.

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