Sunday, November 7, 2010

Movie evening with the Germans

Austin, November 7th

I wanted to have 3 minutes eggs for breakfast. But I couldn't turn on the stove. Somehow was the safety device for children on. But with a little help from googe and a bit luck I could turn it off by randomly pressing buttons. So I had a very late breakfast at about 1 o'clock. Then I watched Raiders of the lost ark on television. And then I did some dumb bell exercises whhile I watched some series. I think mostly 'I dreamed of Jeannie'. A very old series, I didn't know that it's still sended.
In the afternoon Steffen picked me up. We watched together with Jessica a movie at his house and ate pizza.
And about 30 minutes ago I had my first cup of coffee here in the USA. Gary just bought a new coffee machine.

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