Thursday, September 30, 2010

He's a Pirate

Austin, September 30th

In school was nothing interesting today, maybe exept for the Theater class, so I will skip it today.
(In Theater we play pantomie again, and the play of my group is quite funny, but somehow it matches perfectly the picture of many of the students I know better than just from class. I will write about it when we perform it)

Some football players, at least high school football players and sure college players, too, 'decorate' their helmets with little stickers. In Vista ridge every thursday some of the players are 'hardheads' (or hardhats?) of the week. I think if you are really good in practice or at the last game... you get this 'title'. They sign some white helmets and get such a sticker.
Today got not just these hardheads a sticker, but all players with just B's or A's, too.
Like I wrote the first six-week period is over, so we got today our report cards.
And guess what, I got a sticker! Now I have a little skull at the back of my helmet.

After school we drive to the Cedar Park Highschool. The Ranger JV never beat them before, but now they have two lucky charms. Steffen and me. Since we are playing, we never lost a game!
And so we beat them today. 
Unfortunately the new players didn't play very much. I was about 3 times at the field, and I think Steffen didn't play today. Again we made one touchdown to less. Everytime the coach say Steffen get the next field goal, we don't score anymore...


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Austin, September 29th

Wednesday, how can I always forget the Ranger time? Luckily was there an announcement before I could run to the gym.
I still think it's a waste of time, but it's just about 29 minutes, before I have nothing to talk anymore, the time is over.
In football class they trained the special teams again... That means for me: standing around.
I talked a bit to the players, especially one of the JV black quarterbacks. It's always good to be friend with the quarterbacks. This are the guys who throw the ball to you, or not, if they don't like you.
PJ, that's the quarterbacks nickname, really wants me to get a touchdown, and guess what, I want this too!
In the practice I get better and better. I catch most of the balls.
Even a 9 route I caught today.
I really like it better, when just the quarterback, the receiver and a safety, at least I think it was  a safety. I don't care much about the defense, I just know: this guys did a great job the last weeks!
But what the last weeks was doesn't count, tomorrow we play against Cedar Park, I've heard this will be the hardest oppenent so far.
I'm really looking forward to that game.

Football practice was short today, I as standing outside and waited for my hostdad at 5:55. Usually we practice until 6 o'clock.
But it was a good practice. We started with hiting dummies. First run to them, then run until you almost touch them, not easy as it sound, and then punch and run again.
Then the coach worked with other players. We had nothing to do, so we grabed JP and practiced routes.
Later we practices plays. We splitted in two 'huddles', and somehow was I the only X-receiver in my huddle. So I had to take part in every play, instead of play 3, someone else plays 3, (if there are more they play 3), you play 3 again. It was hot, I don't know what we would do without the watergirls.

And at last we made one big huddle at one side of the field, and an other one at the other side. Or they did something else, I don't know, aand I had no time to watch them. Now we were 3 X'es, so I had a break sometimes.

The school was boring, in Algebra 2 we did nothing new. At least not for me, and in US history we had a test. Multiple choice, no problem. Everytime you don't know the answer you cross answer 'b'.
I think I've heard of a research about multiple choice tests, and most of the answers are 'b'.
Or I just imagine it, in this case I will somewhen start a research and proof my theory.
I think I got a 94. Not bad, huh?

In English a cousellor visited us. She talked something about ACEs and SATs or something like that, I don't care, I don't need that college preperation stuff. I don't even have to know what projects and stuff the students will have to do in the Senior year, then I wont be here anymore.
After that we wrote a test. I think it was a test, we will have time to finish it next class, that's a bit weird.

After dinner Gary and I looked in his coin glass for quarter dollar coins with special backs. I have now 47 different coins. 46 from the states and one from Northern Mariane Islands, whatever that might be.

Then we watched Raider of the lost ark. I LOVE INDIANA JONES MOVIES! Harrison Ford is such a great actor. And i must say, the bad, bad Germans spoke very good German. Maybe they were real Germans, at least one of them spoke a bit informal German (Sach e mal, was machst du denn da oben?). I translated the German parts for Gary, it's an old VHS casette, and it has no subtitles with an English translation.

Big game tomorrow, I will go to bed early.
Good night everyone, or good morning there over the Atlantic...
Hey, I just remember, the test in Englih had two texts, one of them about the 'Crystal night' (Kristallnacht, war das nicht die Reichsprogromsnacht?) and in Indiana Jones there were the Nazis again. (No I don't want to say anything with that, I just remembered that)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Contacts and football

Austin, September 28th

I finally got my contact lenses in, in less then 10 minutes!
In football practice the special teams practiced most of the time, but at least I could exactly see, what they were doing.
I have so bad eyes, it's terrible...

But football practice was good.
Again the special teams practiced, but they didn't need the whole field, so 'my' quarterback and some of us wide receiver practiced some routes. It's good when nobody say you what you have to run, exept for your quarterback. Or you tell him. Or I (the outside receiver) and a inside receiver decide together what routes we do.
I think 0, 5 and 3 are my best routes.

In Spanish we have a new seating plan. I sit now across from my old seat. But i have new guys on my table.
One of the girls in my Spanish class seems to like my, in the last days I saw she sometimes on my way from the gym to the class, and she always smiles at me. And today she sometimes turned around and smiled to my again.

In multimedia I started a new picture. Its with many colors, close to each other. Little scuares or circles.
I'm not so far that it hurts the eyes when you watch it. But the picture of the girl next to me is awesome. I can't look at it for more then a few seconds. She can't anymore too, I hope she is ready with that.

In theater class we watched a movie about the medieval. That, and especially the theater at this time, is our topic now. Later we read a play from this time. Everyman. I think it's the only play from this time, but I'm not sure, I didn't really listen.

So now I want to got to the gym. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Second 6 weeks

Austin, September 27th

Today started the second six-week period. Actually we had just five weeks school. And this six-week period are again just 5 weeks.

I tired to get my contact lenses on before school, but after ten minutes I stopped. I wanted to try it again before football class. But there I couln'd get them in too. I should practice it tonight.
Especially because Jessica and Carolin laughed about than. Carolin don't even need a mirror to get them in.
It needs practice they said, okay I will wear them tomorrow!

In Algebra we solved equations. Like the last weeks. It's easy, but it started to get boring.

Football practice was cold. We wore just shorts and shirts. And the helmet, but this doesn't keep you warm.
It starts to get colder. And so most of us freeze. But I liked it. In Germany I had this temperature every morning.
Later we ware in the weight room. And YEAH! I finally can do the squads with 90 (!!) pounds + two chains + the stick! I'm so proud of myself.

In US history we have a new seat plan. Great, I sit somewhere in the back, with two other guys on 6 desks...

In English we worked again at our poem and a photo story for this poem. Boooring.
We worked on computers and I sat with two other football player at one desk. From behind my some girls wanted me to sit with them, from the front some wanted me to go to them, so I decides to stay where I am.
And -crap- I sat at the only computer that didn't work...
The computer by the girls behind was already used, and they said I'm not their best friend anymore (I don't know if I should laugh or cry). But when i wanted to go to the girls at the front, the teacher made me to sit on a computer a the very back of the room.

After school it was warmer, so I sweat when i had football practice. But it was a good practice. I learned some new things, caught many balls. And that still withour lenses.

When I arrived at home the first thing I did was put in the lenses. I needed almost 10 minutes. Why it's now so difficult? At the eye care it was absolutely no problem...

So now I go with Loran to the gym. I have to think about what I can workout today... Arms I did the last time and in school we did... I think almost everything. Maybe chest and legs.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A day in two parts

Austin, September 26th

After we almost fell asleep in the sauna of the gym we drove to a donuts shop. DOOOONUTS. I love DOONUTS (or doughnuts? i don't care, donut is donut, no matter how it's written)

But it was closed. we were 51 minutes to late...
Ha, the drive thru is open until 1am. So we have 10 minutes to buy them!
A perfect start in the day.
So we drove home, drunk milk and ate DOOOONUTS. Okay, now it's even for myself annoying to write donuts in capital letters with many o's.
In the TV was titanic. Boring. I ate my donuts and started to write my blog. So now it's 2:19. I had the best breakfast someone can have. My right eye hurts because I wore the contacts way too long.
I go to bed now. I want to go to church later and I think it's not good to sleep in a church. In a school yes, in the cinema, wast of money, but yes, but in a church I try to be a good boy.
But when I talked to Colleen yesterday I remembered many stories, where I was not a good boy... Hmm nice memories.
So but now really enough, I write later again. Good nite.
So, I slep a couple of hours and we went to church. It was the first time for Gary in that church.
We took his car and the navi sent us... I have no idea. Somewhen we drove this direction, then we turned and drove the same way back... But finally we arrived at the church.
I think for the future we should chose one way to church and take this everytime. Not every time an other route.

I met Sharon, Sonja and Adrian there. Sonja and Adrian had a playday yesterday (for those who are to lazy to read Sonjas blog, a playday is a horseback riding competition). And they made 4th (Sonja) and 7th place (Adrian). Congratulation guys!
I remember when I had riding lessons, I could hardly keep the horse under control, I'm pretty sure I will never be able to go to a competition.

With Adrian I talked about football. What a wonder....

At the way back we first had planned to stop at a Whataburger. (was that a good burger or a bad one, I can't remember, I ate so many burgers in the last weeks..)
Then Gary wanted to go home and eat there.
But finally we stopped at Freddy's. Steakburger... I prefer real hamburger. And why do they have so thin fries. I guess they get their stuff from the same merchant like Steack & Shake. The burger look the same and the fries are pretty sure the same brand. Small and thin....

At home I chatted with some girls from my school. Later we watched Football Bloopers. Its a stupid movie, they try to be funny all the time and after some minutes it's just annoying.

The dinner was much better than lunch. Gary made the same meat like you get at Rudy's, just a bit better.
At Rudy's you get a whole mountain of meat, cut in thin slices. And somehow special cooked.

After dinner we watched the Waterboy. This was for sure not the best movie of Adam Sandler, but sometimes funny, though.
It's a bit weird when he plays with a grimaces the whole time and changed his voice.
Same as in this devil movie. Little Nicki or Satan Junior or whatever it's called. I hope Big Dddy is better... I think I saw it yet. I'm not sure.
And I'm really looking forward to see Indiana Jones in English. George Lucas and Harrison Ford, a dream team.
Oh I totally forgot: Loran bought some old movies, like the Waterboy, Big Daddy, the first Indiana Jones... and so I have to watch many movies the next week.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Today happened so much...

Austin, September 26th

...I don't know what I liked best. Hmm, bullpoop, of course I know what I liked best. But I will start at the morning. Step by Step.

I went to bed at 2am, so I slept a bit longer than usually. But at 10:30 was my eye exam, so I had to stand up at 10. 8 hours are enough sleep. I'm young, sleep is waste of time! (In which movie I've heard that?)

So now I have contact lenses. I should wear them today just 4h. Tomorrow 6h, then 8h...
But I wore then a bit tool long, I think.

I had no breakfast, so I invited Gary to a resaturant. Schlotzky's... sound somehow familiar. I think I once knew a guy with that name... or saw a movie where somone had this name...

After breakfast we went to the walmart. I bought a orange University of Texas shirt (GO Longhorns!).

Then I put out my lenses. I needed ages to get them away from my eyes.

I changed clothes. Took a shower. Put my contacts on again. Changed clothes again. I couldn't decide what to where.... Why that? Because of that:

At four I left the house. I made a short stop at a bodybuilding shop andbought some creatin. No, thats not the reason for changing clothes every five minutes.

The shop was close to the cinema where I was appointed with Colleen. We wanted to see the movie
Easy A.
Actually I wanted to write a bit about the movie. But I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not...
Just that: It was great. A really good story. Good actors. Other cultures are included.
At least the main person went in the movie 'Der scharlachrote Buchstabe' (Thats German for 'the scarlet letter'). It sounds funny when she tried to say that. But I didn't understand why she goes to a movie with a German title. The cousin of the sister-in-law of a highschool friend of Loran wrote the story, maybe I can ask for the reason, why it's German.
I'm very proud of me, I understand almost everything. Not every joke, but the story and most conversation I understood.

After the cinema Colleen and I went to a restaurant. Before the movie we didn't talk much, but slowls our conversation started and after dinner we sat outside on a bench and talked for hours.
I think it was hours, I'm not sure.
But I had to be at home at 10, so Colleen drove me home. It was the first time that someone who was younger then me drove me somewhere. But she drives good. Better then some older (17 years old)  people I drove with.
She had never hd wiss chocolate. Unbelievable, that is something she really has to try. Luckily I have huge mountains of chocolate (swiss and german, both are good) in my bedroom.

That was a really nice evening.
Then I wrote to Lorans friend a short message how I liked the movie of the cousin of her sister-in-law.
I like that word. Sister-in-law. But it makes not really sense for me. What has the law with a marriage to do?
Shoudn't be a adopded sister be a sister-in-law. Shes not your biological sister, but under the law, she's your sister...

The rest of the day Loran and I spent in the gym.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Austin, September 24th

FRIDAY! Last school day this week!
I took the school bus today, the first time since, hmm over a week I think.
Spanish was different. Normally I just sit there, listen to the teacher. Try not to fell asleep. Answer some questions... But today we had pronounciation practice. From the ceiling came headsets and we had to speak with a partner through the headset. In Spanish of course, the teacher could hear us and connect her headset with ours if she wanted, so we really had to do something.

Like every friday, we had to lift weights in football class. We have a newbe, so Steve and I had the honorable job, to show him like everything works.
Suddenly my choach came to me and asked, if I want to go with the Varsity team sometimes. What a question, of course want I go with the Varsity team to a game.
I don't think that I will play, but how is the Olympic motto: Dabei sein ist alles! (To be there is everything?!?)
So I hope that I wont have to wait too long until I can go with the Varsity team to a game. Hopefully a homegame, so everyone can see me there!

In Multimedia I created beautiful pictures.

These are my best two versions. I tried many different things, colors, gradients, shadows, and many more.

In theater class we had to perform a pantomime. Crap, I forgot to think about what I perform.
I thought about changing my clothes for a football game. But it seemed to difficult. Jessica brought me on a good idea. Shaving. We should perform something we do everyday. And I do that almost everyday.
So I 'put' foam on my face. 'Took' a razorblade. 'Cut' my finger when I tested if its sharp. Started shaving and 'cut' myself in the face. I tried to make them laugh, so they don't see that I've no idea what I'm doing. I think it worked xD

At home we had a really good dinner. Potatoes and pork, shrimps and brokkoli. Yummi!

Then Loran and I went to a gym. At some exercises my headache started again... I think I have to be careful with what I'm doing for the next one, two weeks.
After the workout we went to the sauna. I love sauna.
Then we took a shower and go to the hot tub, the pool and the sauna again.
After we returned we watched The Hangover. A really great and extreamly funny movie!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Germinator

Austin, September 23rd

I wrote a math test in first period. And, wow, I wished they are so easy in Germany xD
In football class just the special teams practiced, so I had much time to stand in the sun and, do nothing...
But at least it was nice weather.
In US history we compared the Wizard of Oz with the time of populism (the 1800's?)
In English we worked on the poem again.
And then we had to wait in the study hall. Thursday = Gameday
And this time we got the lategame, so I started at about 7:30. After about 45minutes the coaches sent us to the wrestling room. It was cool, everything was padded. But we couldn't do much there. Every other minute one of the coaches shouted: Sit down, relax! So we relaxed, and talked and played games on Ipods or phones or whatever that was.
At 5:30 we had to change clothes and make us ready for going to the field. We watched the end of the 2nd quarter until the mid of the 4th quarter, then we started our streching and warm ups. I cought every ball in the route training!
 And the finally our game started.
I had nothing to do in the first half. But at the 10 minutes break the coach asked me if I can run a 9-route and if I know what a 0-route is. Yeah I know them. this are two of the easiest route to remember. Easy to remember, but the 9 is hard to do. You run from the ball away, and when it reaches you, you have to catch it over the shoulder, with the back to the quarterback and still running. Great, I caught the ball maybe twice at this way. But now I will propably do this in the game...
At the second half of the 3rd quarter I came in the game. The first time that I play not just in the 4th!
I didn't really knew what to do, run or block? I run. And the corner back followed me, idiot! He followed me twice, then I started to block him.
And then the 4th quarter begun. I don't know why, but this time, we started at the other side of the field, not the side we normally play.
Maybe because we play the second game today?
So the fourth quarter was something new for me. I played not at the side where my team and my coaches are. So iif I don't understand what to do... there is nobody who help me.
And worse, they called a play, where I have to run the 9!
I was so nervous, when they said 399 - something. But when I run I feeled good. I just didn't exactly know when I have to be ready for the ball. I turned my head to early, and dang it, the ball came about one yard to far away down. But at least I know now how to run this route, like coach Rushing said, a game is the best football practice!

Steffen had bad luck too. He should get the following field goal, when the score was 20:0. But unfortunately, I missed the touchdown, and noone else made one. So he didn't get the chance to proof his kicker knowledge... But he made a good kick off, and -sure the best thing today happened- the game commentator called him by his football nickname : The Germinator! We don't know exactly how he know about this name, I guess he heard us the last time shouting.

After the game, he asked for a Gameday shirt. Finally, almost the half of the season is over. And since I was with him, I asked if I could get a smaller one. Mine is size L. Way to big. They had no M, but S fits. Hmm I think the sizes are different in America.
The coach who gave us the shirts brought a ukulele to the locker room and played on it.
After I showered he told me, that he once made 115 Euros at one day, when he was in Heidelberg, Germany, and played on his guitar at the sidewalk.
I told him that I started in Germany to play the guitar too, and then he taughed me some chord at the ukulele. So I sat in underwear in the locker room and played ukulele.

But I was hungry, so I gave him the ukulele back, dressed me up and looked for my hostfamily, to go home and get something to eat. And I found more than 'just' my hostfamily. Daphanie was there too! It was great to see her again, I haven't seen her for ages!

Now I've eaten something, watched scrubs, chatted. I think I will go to bed, a 13h school day is tiring.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pantomime is fun

Austin, September 22nd

Hmmm... today was nothing really special.
In Football class it was so hot, my shirt was after school, when I went to football class, still wet. Disgusting!
But not the first time...

But in football practice later, it suddenly started to rain. And in less than two minutes we were completely wet...
Since we have a game tomorrow, the coaches made us to stay outside, until it was so bad, that we couldn't see under the helmet and the grass was too wet.

In theater class we played our pantomime scripts. It was sooo funny. Jessica filmed it, i will link it with my blog.

So now I'm chatting with Colleen, well I do it for hours, but I had to do homeworks too, so I just wrote the blog now. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Austin, September 21st

Today we should wear 3 cowboy or indian items in US history, to get a extra point in the six weeks average.
But Loran and Gari have more than just three, so I had a complete cowboy outfit.
I had this stuff in a bag and wear it just after football class, so I could let my normal clothes in the locker room. It was funny, everywhere the students smiled when they saw me. The German in Texas style.
Always I heard from a student and even from teacher: "You look cute" or "Sweet hat" or "I like your outfit"...

In English class, I changed my cowboy head against a skater cap. And then my class mates wanted me to say some 'gangsta' sentences. I tried my best, but they wanted to hear slang words, I've never heard before. But it was funny. 
And when one of the guys put the cowboy hat on my head (I was still wearing the other cap) really everyone laughed. To bad that I had no mirror...
But the best thing about the outfit was: The boots were to big.
I twisted my ankle in football class, and so I was happy that I could wear this big boots instead of my normal shoes.
One of the coaches sounds somehow proud, when he saw me and my 'first football injury'.

Colleen just saw this picture. Now she wants me to go with her to a rodeo in march, in this outfit. That would be really cool!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I love my new gloves

Austin, September 20th

I had still headache this morning. In fact I have still headache now... But it's getting better.

In Spanish we had to play our scripts. It was fun, beacause we didn't really knew what to do or to say. We just wrote the script some minutes ago, because in the last class, none of us had any idea what to do.
But what we finally had, was funny.
After all groups played, we had a class quizz. We could answer almost every question, so the whole class gets a 99. Interesting kind of teaching...

While we praciced outside, my headache disappeard. Until we went to the weight room. Then they came back.
Multimedia was okay. Not really special. We learned more about edit pictures and had the rest of the class time to try it.

Theater was great. We wrote a script for a short mime play. The actors are not allowed to make noises or use preps, so one of us has to do all sounds. And I don't know why, but somehow I got the sounds part...
I'm terrible in change my voice, but somehow I was able to do some noises.
Fortunately almost every person dies in this script (I know, dead is terrible) and to make a sound for that is easy.
But after we practiced it about 5 times my throat hurts...
Yeah, I'm a poor pig, always I have some pain.

At least the headache disappeared almost when I had football practice.
I love my new gloves.
It was one of the best practice days.
I hope thats not just because of the gloves. But it's really great, the hands hurts less, if the ball comes to hard. And the ball 'glues' a little bit. AND they look cool!
Well, some of the other guys say they are cute. Not sure if thats goood or not, but I'll take it as a compliment.
I caught a ball in a difficult play, but the quarterback tackeld me, before I could make sure that I won't loose the ball... the defense team said, I runned a perfect route, but I have to ensure that I keep the ball. Not easy if a 200 pounds boy lay over you.

When I was not on the field, I talked much to the other playeers. Mostly about the homecoming night. And parties in Germany. And some experiences Steffen made at the homecoming xD The girl who wanted to do the slow dance xD She wanted much more than just being his classmate xD

Dinner was great. Gary is a super cook!

Now I'm chatting with Colleen. One of the girls I went to the homecoming with. She's really nice.
I wished the internet access wouldn't be so slow, I hate waiting minutes for loading one website, and the chat sometimes stops...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday is rest day

Austin, September 19th

This morning caled somone from CIEE. I slept so my hostdad told them, I will call back later.
So I called after breakfast.
Mmmm, I had the best scrambled eggs I've ever eaten in the USA. And bacon... I love bacon.

So I called back, but neither at the privat number, nor at the CIEE office answered someone the phone. Than it's not as important... I sent them an email, so if they want something from me, they can mail me or call me again.

At midday I played footballl with Loran. I'm getting better xD

The lunch/dinner was great too. Meat and potatoes, and little carrots, and salad, and and and.

Then I showed my hostparents on a compuer map where I live in Germany, and where my dad works, and the route I flew from Germany tothe US.
And they showed me where their house in Michigan is.

But hen I had to do homeworks. Not easy when you somewhen suddenly headache have -.-
I go to bed now, hopefully is the headache tomorrow away!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Homecoming night

Austin, September 18th

I just was at walmart and a optican for the lenses. I need a examination for about 109$. But the doctor wasn't there anymore, so I have to wait until next saturday for the examination.
In a sport authority shop I bought some sport clothes and looked for gloves. The only pair I really liked, was to big for me, I will go to another shop and look if I can buy them there.

At 2:30 we left for the Welcome party at Sharon's house.We had a little stop at Sport Academy and bought some gloves. I tried almost every single gloves until I found some which fit, look good and don't fell funny at the thumb or index finger. No easy job. But finally I found some. They are red, black and white, my school colors.

We arrived at Sharon's at 3:30. About half an hour to late, but I think we didn't missed anything. The people were just talking. Someone had a little football, so I asked him if he want to play ball. At the beginning I caught not one ball... but I got better. More and more people joined, and later wanted two little girls play with us. So I was with the girls at one side, and four boys at the other side. It was really funny. The girls couldn't throw very well, so they run most of the distance before they throw.
Suddenly my watch flew away. A little metal stick is broken. I will try to get a new of these sticks. I want to see if the 10-years-batterie really 10 year live...
I brought some swiss chocolate and gummi bears. The American hast parents enjoyed the chocolate and the German exchange students were happy to have gummi bears. The Little kids eat everything!

But we had to leave early. I had to get dressed for the homecoming night and wanted to meet some friends (well I knew one, the others were strangers) for dinner.
This place is very popular for homecoming fotos. There were dozen of students. I knew many of them, but not all.
We were in a Italian restaurant., where some other students joined us. I knew one of them, one of my theater class.
We had a lot of fun. We talked much, and finally not just how I like it in America.
Then we went to the homecoming night at school.

Sivonna, me and Colleen
It was... the best school party I've ever been.
But, the music was stupid, and to quiet. And to less light effects.
The beginning was a bit boring.
But sometimes a group of students forced me in their center and screamed: Go MArc, show us how German dance!
"Und ich sag, ab geht die Party und die Party geht ab!"
It did't really fit to the slow music, but everyone liked it xD
Later the music changed and it was more fun.
A girl wanted to dance a slow dance. It looked funny. She had a cute dress, but she looked like she smoked weed or something. Maybe just because of the bad light..
I danced later with Colleen.

Short before they played the last sond, the music stoped and one teacher or staff or someone else, said something about where we will be picked up and about the last song... I screamed "Disco Pogo" (a funny German song, but funfortunately not very known in the US) and we Germans and some of our American friends screamed some lines of the song. It was funny, the whole cafeteria was quiet exept for us.
But then the last sond, Bad Romance, started and we screamed that song.
Then we had to say goodbye.
It was a funny day. I hope that there is another dance night between Homecoming and Prom.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Homecoming game

Austin, September 17th

It was Homecoming today. The big game.
In school we had a pep rally, the teacher said, it was the best they ever had in this school.

In Algebra we didn't do much. Some tasks and then we had time to do our homeworks.
Football class was great. We were in the weight room, but I think I did well today. But I had headache after the last exercises. And the shower was terribly hot!
Then we were in the study hall. I learned for the history test in the following class.
So guess what we did in US history... right we wrote a test.
I have a good feeling, but that doesn't automatically mean that I have a good mark...
When I came to the question, 'In which year was the declaration of independence' I had really no idea, it was in 1700 something, there I was pretty sure, but all the coices look so similar (1776/1767/1876...). What a luck that the lunch bell rang, so I could ask someone in the lunch break. 1776. puh.
Then we had a TAKS analysis or something. Another test. I ha difficult to understand what they were asking me, but I think that is what the test is about.

And fnally in English we played a game. I didn't understand what the goal or even the sense of the game was, but we had to find some words in a book (how difficult), stand up, read the first one, listen to the other, read the second one and sit down. And that was more or less the game.
Then we had an hour SSR. There we have to read someting. But our teacher wasn't there and the sub didn't care if we read, or talk or play on the computer and so I had muuuch time to talk.
I talked to my 'new best friends' in this class. Seige and Katie, I think.
And later to Ashley, Ashley and Nick. We have 3(!!) Ashleys in this class.
We took some pictures. Many students wore these 'mums'. I didn't knew where I could buy them, or even that we have them in our school too, so I didn't had one.
It's incredible how big some of the mums are.
On Sonjas blog you can see some of them from her school. Our look like them, just with other colors, red, black and silver.

After lunch at home we went to the homecoming game.
It was great, We won 31:6!

I was there with Steffen, later we met some of our football team. And at the fourth quarter suddenly appeared some friends of Steffen. Two girls... and a few minutes later he went with one of the girls to their seats and the other one came to me. We talked about homecoming, and dancing... I told her that I danced in Germany. She danced a little bit and I just did the same "Oh I love it, we're best friend now" or something like that.  And now I have a best friend more. I'm really a best friend magnet.

And at the end of the game Steffen and I were suddenly their Germans, and they argued who has the better German. Steffen got a rosa shirt from someone (they were thrown from the field), but I had a bell! My bell makes nioses, the shirt not, so I'm better! :-[

After the game we enjoyed the marching band, they were really good.

I'm lookig forward to the homecoming dance tomorrow. But first I will go to the welcome party at Sharon's house.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

He's here

Austin, September16th

That was a really relaxed day.
It's mexican independence day (today or yesterday, I'm not sure), and so we had in Spanish a mexican breatfast, with taquitos and burritos and all that stuff.
In groups of five we have to write scripts for a little play. The topic is, of course, the mexican revolution...
I hate to write scripts under pressure. And with a given story.
Completely free is much more fun.

Because of the game yesterday, and the JV red team game tonight, my team had free in football class. So we sit in the study hall and did homework.
If we had something to do. I just learned my routes.

In multimedia I finished the next picture:
Not as nice as my beautiful flower, but not bad.

Lunch I had with a girl from my multimedia class, one boy from my theater class and a football player... and some guys I don't know.

Theater class was funny, like always. I watched mime and pantomime videos in youtube.
After school I went to the study hall again, to reach in my grade sheet. A paper where all my teachers have to sign and write, that I'm a good student.
In the locker room was nobody of my team, so I guessed that the free day includes the practice too.
Good, it was short before 4, Loren is still working, so I had to take the bus.
During the drive I talked a bit with a senior girl, he normal stuff, I'm from Germany, America is great, bla bla bla. Later I wrote some text messages.
When I opened the door I first saw some cartons, with cereals and other stuff. They weren't there when I left the house this morning. In Lorans bedroom was a suitcase... Gary is really yet here! But where is he? The house was empty....
I texted him. Some minutes later he was here. My other hostdad!
He's really nice, but he said, he is the bad guy of my two hostparents... We'll see...
We repaired and cleaned the vacuum, and cleannd the garage and the house until Loran came from work.

Before we then went out for dinner, I got a little present from Gary, no a BIG present.

My first own FOOTBALL!!
Not such a half plastic, half lether ball from a supermarket, a really lether NFL football.
I love that ball. I still sit just there nd hold my ball like.. well, like a receiver have to hold a ball.

Then I gave them my present. Loran wanted to wait until Gary is here and I forgot in totally. But now they got muuuuuuch chocolate, gummibears, a book about the Bodensee and a bag from the 'familyseat' since some hundred years.

Then we had dinner at a mexican restaurant, and like always ate we too much chpis before the meal came. But I love the chips and queso and the other stuff.

Then Loran and I went to the gym.

Muscleman xD

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday game

Austin, August 15th

Today wore just a few guys in gameday shirts. I think some of the other students thought we confounded the days. Well, NO, the JV black team had today a game and.... WE WON... 21:0 I think.
For Steffen it was the first real game he took part. He is a kicker, and in the 4th quarter he made a kick off.
It was cool. The whole team stand at the side line and screamed: GO GERMANATOR or COME ON STEFFEN, or some of the German things we taught them.

Between the 3rd and 4th quarter, my coach explained me a new play course. In this I have to catch the ball and run and run and run. 
And damn, I almost caught the ball. And the other team was so distributed, that I had made a touchdown, everyone said it :-(
But we won. Touchdown or not, we won.
And at my second play I got the cornerback stopped. I reached at least one of my goals.

At the drive to the game I showed Steffen some pictured of my friends and from my last trip wirth the class to the Netherlands. We listen to 'die toten Hosen' and 'die Aerzte' two German music groups.
The drive back was very short. We listen to music again, talked and the guys behind us sung some songs like 'Na na hey hey kiss him goodbye'. 

I decided to buy contact lenses, I'm just better in ball catching with glasses and so hopefully with lenses too.

Enough football, back to school.

Oh, wait Trouble tries to eat me headset.

Okay, in Algebra I got my test back, 95%!
And in English we talked about the PSAT, thats the pretest of the SAT, and that is something important for the college. So I didn't really listen.
We made some exercises of the test booklet. And I must say, I'm good in guessing. Even if I don't understand the words -and many of these words I never saw or heard before- I had about the half right.
I think that was more or less everything important today.

I have been in school until 9:45 and tired now. I think I will go to bed now, good night everyone.

PS: I've just seen, the Bundeswehr (the German Army) sent me a questionnaire for the Musterung (examination?)... too stupid, I think the next months I wont fight for noone ;-)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First theater grade

Austin, September 14th

I don't know why, but we had ranger time today. Hmm, okay, 30 minutes nothing to do than talking with Ashley, a girl from my Eglish class and ranger time. After the football class I went to the Obama adress to the American students. We had a bad connection to him and so sometimes the video froze, ar the sound was suddenly away...
But better sitting in the cafeteria and listen to Obama, then hanging around in the locker room. 

In multimedia I had to find out, that is a 'adult page' or something like that. And so I can't send the pictures I 'draw' in school to myself, or someone else, to upload them here...
SchuelerVZ, a social network for students, is not banned, so I uploaded my picture there:

In theater we had to play, my group got 90 pints out of 100. We lost 10 because we had no text for one of our members... Alright, the next time we will let someone die in our plays, he/she will say why he/she will die... or something like that, we'll see.
But it was fun. Like I wrote earlier I'm a bored guy who watch the play, our teacher thought I was the regisseur... Maybe it looks like I'm the regisseur, because I should be angry and say 'I love this candy'. In German, so nobody knows what I say. And then fall asleep. The candy was Sallys idea, I just wanted to say that I want the end of the school. Or maybe something about pants. I don't know why, but I thought abour pants when I sat there and waited to play.
Yes it's great to speak a foreign language. For them foreign, for me the mother language. But I start to like it, if someone asks me to speak German, I just can say what I think, and noone understands me.

Football practice was hard, like always. And it was sooo hot. At least we have some sweat student trainer/watergirls who gave us water whenever we needed it.
My right little finger hurts and I have the sign of the seam of the football on my left arm, in lila...

Loran and I watched Casino Royale during dinner. We had hot dogs and ravioli, hmmmmm, I love it.
The movie was better than I thought, the 'new' James Bond is not as good as Roger Moore or Sean Connery, and don't look as good as Pierce Brosnan (but I look more at the women, so I don't really care how they look like).
Sometimes the movie was a bit unrealistic. Like when the car drives through another car (in the beginnin at the airport), burns totally out, but the two people in t are almost uninjured.
Or when Craig laughes, after the bad guy hit him with the rope in the balls, I'm pretty sure, I couldn't lugh so loud like him, if that happened to me...

Well, I would love to write more, but tomorrow I have a game, my first and only wednessday game, and so I should sleep a bit earlier.
A game at 7:30, when it starts to become dark, I hope, that's how a high school football game have to be, in the night.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm soo tired

Austin, September 13th

Wow, it's monday, and I want weekend again. Msbehavin, our cat woke me up at 4 am.... She likes the lotion I pu on my hurting shoulder and tries to lick it up.

Today was open house in school. So some classes were shorter, but I don't really recognized a change of the schedule.

Algebra was as easy as always, we had something like a test, but with partner. Null problemo!
Football was hard, first in the hot sun running, then in the gym weights lifting... Going to the gym with Loran is more fun then in the school.
After football I saw, that I let my English stuff at home... with the poem...
Luckily are two of my English class in football too, so I could lend the original poem, and rewrite my own poem.

In US history we had a test. We watched a movie and had to answer questions. Sometimes bad to understand, sometime you had to be blind and deaf to don't see the answer.
We will soon have a day, where we shall wear at least 3 cowboy or indians articles of clothing. And we shall bring somethin to eat. For two extra credits for this six weeks periode.
Our school year is in six week periodes splitted, after each six week we get a grade.
It's funny, the first two six week periodes are 5 weeks long and then we have two 7 week long six week periodes.

My last class was English, we wrote our major grade test.
And I had no idea what to write. We read the book: The color of Water, and should look for the most important sentences, and write, why we think they are important.
The only thing I remembered from the book was the beginning: I don't know where my mom come from, or something like that. So I wrote about that.
But not very much, I had to finish and edit my poem, and someone had to read it to say what I could write better.
Let someone read a poem about your life is a good way to get someone known. But the two I let my poem read are a bit scared about my love to knives.
Especially when I said I have a beatiful knive from Australia (thanks dad xD ) they looked funny.
But the girls are nice, and the time was running.

Football practice was much better than football class. I had to catch some balls, run away from someone. Play snapper -throw the ball to the coach, and he throw it to the player- and talk to some players. And of course Steffen and I, more Steffen than me, taught bad words...

At home I first ate Spaghetti, the I did my Spanish homework (stupid poem) and now we want to watch: the Waterboy.

Goodbye everyone

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Germans on tour

Austin, September 12th

Sunday, and I slept until... hmm long.
For lunch Loran and I were at the All-you-can-eat buffet again. I was great, but I think my stomach don't like sushi for braekfast... it felt funny.
But the shrimps and the ice were fine.
Next to the buffet is an electronic shop. A really really big electronic shop. We played  bit with the computer, I turned the sound of the keyboard high and let them play demo songs (I could hear the keyboards almost at the other end of the market), and did the same with some radios... like a little kid xD

We bought a film, Waterboy, with Adam Sandler, I love his films. He is so funny. We want to see it tonight.

At four I met Jessica and her hostfamily. We waited for a friend of them -Shipes- and the other two Germans from my school, Steffen and Caroline. Then we 5 went to a river to swim. It was really funny. There we met a other German exchange student. We played some... weird games, like 'I love you, give me a simile' -you don't have to smile, or you loose, for me it was impossible, I was out at the first try...- or 'I have never ever' -There you show all 10 fingers, someone say "I have never ever...' and something he never did and if you have done this, you put one of your fingers down. It were many, well naughty questions. I better don't repeat the questions, but Jessica lost. The second one who was out was me... what a luck that I don't get the rules in the beginning (I wasn't sure, if you have to put your finger down if you have done it, or if you don't), so I wasn't too fast out. But at every, lets call it not nice question, we looked to Jessi. I think I'll stop here.

Later we went to a bridge. And we jumped from the bridge, first just the american girl and me. Later Steffen and Jessica too.  (video will follow)

'No it's deep enough, you wont hit the floor' Well, maybe they dont hit the floor, I did, and its not nice. At the second jump I didnt hit it. The third time again. From that and hitting the water by a jump from a sure over 15 meters high bridge my butt hurts. Luckily for my not as bad as Jessis, but bad enough. Jessi, in the case that you'll ever read that, I hope you will feel better soon!

But we had much fun today. In the car we sung German carnival songs like 'Cowboy und Indianer', later songs from the Atzen like Disco Pogo.
Dinner we had at Sonics.
When Loran picked me finally up it was about 10. It was a great day and I had much fun.
The Waterboy we will watch tomorrow, it's a bit late for a whole movie.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just a relaxed day

Austin, September 11th

I don't think I have to remind anyine what day today was. Or what day 9 years ago was.
So my day started with a sometimes interesting, sometimes boring TV report about 9/11. I don't know when exactly it started, but I think it was about 0:23. Just when I got tired watching old Scrubs episodes.
So I watched that for a while untill I went to bed.

It's saturday, so I could sleep as long as I wanted. Then I had a long breakfast. And another breakfast, and a third one.

Then I begun my homework. Well, that was my day. I just went with Loran to Stake & Shake for dinner. Good stakeburger and very sweet milkshakes. When we was driving, I saw some of the normally little lakes, some of them are still hugh and at least one street is still closed and under water. I am curious how long the water will be so high...
And then we went to the gym.
My shoulder hurts, strangely my 'good' shoulder, and so I mostly worked out for my legs. 
I tired a machine in which I had to press my legs together. I first thought the machine is broken, I had a resist of 50 pounds and it felt like nothing. Well I know it's not much, but that was too easy. So I took 70, 90, 150 finally 200!! pounds. Now hurt my legs, but that was it worth.

Loran wants to sleep long tomorrow, and I think I will too, so we will skip church this time.
But somewhen I will go to the sunday school from the Cowboy Church, I WANT THE DONUTS!!
And I like the church, I just wish I would understand all of the jokes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Austin, September 10th

Today I took the school bus. Charity, the bus driver missed me xD
I thought I missed the bus, because I was at the pick up point at 8am and the bus wasn't there until 8:05. So I went to an other pick up pouint, where the bus arrives at about 8:15. Short before I reached the point, I saw the bus passing. Great, the bus was too late, not me.
The bus were at the point at 8:19. But it was not much traffic, and so we didn't need long to school. First I wanted to go to my class room, but I thought, 15 minutes waiting is boring and so I went to the library were Steffen was.

In Spanish we wrot a test, hmm, I always wrote 'tu' instead of 'su' =(
In football weight lifting. In multimedia I designed a flower and set my pink-yellow-red ladybug on it. I played a bit with the effects, it looks really cool. I will upload the picture when I had the next multimedia class.

Theater was funny. We have to play the next time, and for that, we should in small groups think about what we wil play. It must be something with the old greek and the given things have to appear.
We chose greek names, or names which sounds greek. Jessica is 'Luftikus'. I don't know how to explain it in English, but when Jessica said that will be her name I laughed so hard. The other wanted us to explain why I laughed, but like I said, I have no idea how to explain it.
By this way, I'm Marcus Aurelius - the sleeping theater visitor. That's really easy, I just have to say: That play is soo boooring! yawn and fell from the chair.

This class is really fun. Later we watched the rest of Hercules.

After school Loran brought me to the mall. He is dental hygienist and wanted to look after my teeth. They are good.
I think the x-ray machine their is made in Germany. The instructions are there in German and English!
I feel uncomfortable when I'm x-rayed. No matter if its in the hospital, the dentist or somewhere else. I just don't like it, I don't know why, you can't feel the x-rays. You just stand/lay/sit there...

Then we walked through the mall, I met Sally, a girl from my Theater class.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Red, black, Rangers attack

Austin, September 9th

It's thursday, Gameday, that means I'll stay in school a long long time.
And I have to wear my gameday shirt. It's size m. Much to big. But they have no smaller ones anymore.

In Algebra we wrote a test. Easy, really easy.
My Algebra teacher wasn't at school and so we had a substitute. And that at a day, when my teacher have to sign my grade sheet for football.

Then we had ranger time. We could vote for the homecoming king/queen. Well, I don't know the lastname of anybody, so I didn't vote.
Some of the students had to draw a poster, I think for the door. On this poster should be a football palyer. I was the only football player in class, so I had to model.
It doesn't seem like me. But it's jut the shadow yat, we'll see how it looks in the end.
One of the students saw my hurt finger. She said it's maybe broken. But it feels much better yet, I think it's just a bit sprained, or what know I.

Football practice and history weren't especial.

In English class we had to wrote things on posters, what in our social contract should be included.
My were seperated in three groups. One group with the topic Respect, one with hmm I've forgot what the second was. And we had 'Rangers Up'. Noone of us knew what that meant. But we had to write about how to help other students, how to increase school spirit, stuff like that. 
I had to present our poster. Everyone wanted to her my accents. Ohh I love your accent! Allways the same, I wished I could hear myself, like an American hears me.

After school I went to the locker room. Put the pads in my football pants, got my jersey. We wore white again. Eat something. Talk with the others. And finally go out to the field.
It was again a very short game. I don't know why, but somehow runs the time.
I thought between the plays, tries, whatever, will the clock stopped. But I probably err there.
We won. 20:0!
The kicker of the other team was worse. Really, I wondered if he wnted to help us, and not his team. He kicked high, but just a few yards.
It was not his day.
It was not their day. In the 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter they had no chance, in the 2nd they were okay. Or our team was bad. 
I shouldn't say so much bad about them. I should better look at my own weaknesses.  
But today I played good. Everyone said it, the coaches, the other player.
Hmm, but maybe I'm so bad, that everyone lies to me... No, sure not.
Most of the time I should tackle down on special player. He was easy to recognize. He was the only one with red shorts on the whole field. His team mates wore white pants, we have black.
I got him once. And once lmost, but short before I reached him, one other player run into me, our helmet crashed , but exept for a little headache happened nothing. Well, he fell, I stand, how it shall be ;-)
I kept 'red pants' from the ball away, and so I did my job, not exactly how the coach said (tackle him down) but the result counts. I'll get better, maybe I should change from receiver to tackle.
I'm the guy left. Looks funny, doesn't it?
#34 that's me! And # 18 is 'redpants'

But the best one tonight was #20 -James- from our Red team. He had two touchdowns, caught the ball great (I think some intercepts), run through the whole field with the ball. He was really great.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Still raining

Austin, Setember 8th

This morning it still raines. The school sent Loran an eMail, school starts two hours later today xD
I start to like the rain, but when the school later starts, will I have longer school?

Hmm, who cares, I go sleep again. 

School at 10:45. Thats cool. Every class is shorter than normal, and Ranger Time is tomorrow, instead of today.

In Spanish we should write a test, but we had no time xD
Football was okay, but I got the ball on a finger, when I tried to catch it. Its swallen now, and totally blue -.-

Multimedia is easy. I have to create a Ladybug. Funny name. But the German name isn't better: Marienkeafer. (Like the mother of Jesus 'Maria' or Marien. And kaefer/bug)

When the teacher saw my bug she said, it has at one side a pink gradient, everyone laughed... But I told them pink is a nice color, and everyone was quiet.
And the red ladybug with one yellow shaded and one pink shaded wing looks very cute.

In theater class we saw Hercules. The English pronounciation of Hercules is funny. Jessica and I first didn't know what they meant, until the movie begun.
Stupid Disney, why do they have to sing all the time? The movies could be soo good, if they would sing less.

Then I had football practice. It started to rain and so we went into the locker room and waited until it stopped. Then we went out again, but after a few minutes it started again. This time we had to stay outside, untill practice was over. At 6:30 -.-

Loran picked me up, and we were out eating with Paul and his girlfriend.

They are really nice.
And the food. MMMMM; It was great. I don't know what fish it was, but it tasted great.
Paul and Loran talked about the work.
I understood most of what they said. (Proud of myself)
Later I had to buy some school stuff. Flashcards... I hate flashcards. In Germany I never used flahcards for my English vocabulary. Okay, I had sometimes to write the words down, because the teacher wanted to see them, but I never used them to learn.
And now I have to use it for Spanish...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Its raining! man...

Austin, September 7th

Yes, in Texas does it rain sometimes. And sometimes the whole day...

Loran brought me to school, so I hadn't to wait for the bus in the rain. Thank you for that.
Algebra was quite boring. I don't know why, but somehow the times runs in American schools, in Germany I often just sit there and wait for the bell ringing. Well, the whole class is just waiting for bell ringing I guess. But here in Austin the time runs.
In football class we were in the gym, because of the rain I think. I was soo tired after the workout. It's really hard, but most of the time it's fun, somehow.
Wow, my vocabulary is really small today, I guess....

I felt like an old man when I went to US history, unable to make fast movements, and with a hurting back.
Shouldn't my body to be used to the workout after two weeks almost everyday weight lifting?
But at least you feel like you have done something, not just sitting around and let the life pass.
At lunch I sat with Steffen, Adam (it think it's his name, he is in my English and Football class, so actually I should now his name -.-), and two girls.
In English we write at our poem, now I finally have start it =)

Then we had football practice. And it rained. And rained and rained. The temperature was oky, it felt like at home. About 20 degrees celsius. Just the wind disturbed. And of course the rain. My clothes were wet from the workout earlier, and then from the rain. It was really not nice. Some of the players froze. And for the first time I was happy that the shower was hot.

I was completely wet. From head to the feet. The water flew out of my pants, and pads, and jersey and everywhere.  All football clothes will be washed and we had to take our schoes home to dry them.
Practice endet about 40 minutes earlier, so I had to wait until Loran came back from work and could pick me up. So I stand there, barfoot -my socks were wet and I had forgot to take a second pair with me- with two pair shoes hanged on my bag.

Back at home later,  I first put underwear on. No wait, first I put my jeans off, then I put pants on, it feels much better with pants. Hmm somehow I have the feeling that this is one of the things you shoulnd't share with the whole world. Like when I Jessica told that. No, she said she didn't want to know this so exactly, than I think it's better not to say that.

Some other guys waited for their parents, too. They were really impressed when they saw Lorans car.

Marc are you kidding?? No, thats the car of my hostdad xD

We went direct to a hair cutter. I have now short hairs again, it feels naked...I don't like hair cutter...

Why the heck has a hair studio the rule, that they are not allowed to cut customers without shoes the heir?
I had to go back to the car and take some shoes. Well, just in the moment I left the building a horrible shower came down, I was maybe 15 seconds outsude and completely wet...again.
I took my football shoes, they were already wet. So I gone in again, sat down, waited until I had the thing to protect your clothes from the hairs on, and put out my shoes again.
Hmm, it lookes nice, but I have just brown hair again, I think I will color them again. Maybe a bit blue, or red, or blond again?
The last time I colored my hair because I was bored, now I have so much to do, that I'm never bored. Maybe I should do the coloring this time with a plan what I want to do.
Or just put the stuff on my had and look what happened? Difficult decision, but in each case I will read the instructions first, I don't want to ruin another towel xD

My shoes are in the garage under a ventilator-like thing to dry.

Then I ate something and did homework.
I had a short view in this facbook stuff (Wow, more and more people send me friend requests, I think I should leave it again, I hate beeing just one friend of thousends)

So I think thats everything I have to say for today.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Austin, September 6th

Today is labor day, according to Sonja it's like the German Tag der Arbeit. Word by word translation: Day of Work. Every year at this day I'm wondering, why don't you work at the Day of Work?
If it should be a holiday it should be called Day of Notworking.

But it I'm happy that I didn't had to go to school. Or better, not for classes. I had football practice at 3pm, so I was in school. But just for about 2 and a half hours.
It was great. I come too late again - but just because my pants had a hole, the new pants had a hole too and then I had to put all the pads in the pants.
As warm up we throw and caught balls. I caught them all ;-)
Then we had to run routes and catch the ball. The first one was too high thrown, it was impossible to get it. But the most of the other balls I caoght. I really get better, even the coach says that. Sometimes come a player I never saw before and say: Hey Marc, good job! or something like that. I think I saw them never before, it's hard to say, they look all the same when they wear football stuff.

I heard that a beat on the helmet or the butt means in football: 'Good Job'.
That someone hit my helmet happens sometimes. (after my first game, when I made a difficult catch, or just when I did the route well...) But since today I know that this with the butt is true too....

Later I taught one player more German words. Not always what he wanted to know, it's funny when they call themself stupid names, instead of being mean to someone else xD

I had finally time to do my homework. I needed the whole morning, from the breakfast until short before I left for practice. Maybe I should eat and watch TV while doing homework, but now it's done and so it doesn't matter anymore.

After football I relaxed. Watching scrubs, eating Lasagne, listening to music. And tomorrow the school starts again.

I'm a bit jealous of my German friends. They have still vacation. But just one more week, and then they have boring German school =]

I'm setting up a facebook account. Always ask someone if I'm on facebook, so, now I am.
Wow, I know all these guys facebook shows me o.O
How know facebook which people I know, even if they are not in my email contact list?
Hey, Ashley is online. Thats a girl I met some years ago in Toledo (and later in my hometown in Germany).
So let's try the chat.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sherry Baby

Austin, September 5th

Sunday again, hmm I haven't done anything to clean the house yet...
But I haven't had muc time today. First we went to church, there I met some from the Harker Heights Highschool, the school that lost at thursday against us in football.
I was the first time in sunday school. It was interesant, it was about respect. More or less the same what my coaches told us some days ago.And the guys from sunday school used football (or sports, I don't know anymore) and coaches as metapher for god and parents and respect and so on. I didn't understand everything and I was terrible tired, but I remember the respect part.

In the church I couldn't understand much, I think it was something about a bigger church and the relationship to god, or Jesus, or both. Funny, he last time I understood much more, this time almost nothing...But I liked the songs. One girl sung in front of us, she had a really good voice. And we had communion. I passed, I don't like the oblate. Why can't the churches use normal bread?? I'm pretty sure that Jesus had didn't ate one of these oblates in his whole life!!

Then Loran and I went to a Gym in Killeen. And got something to eat in a Whataburger. The burger was really good. but you shouldn't buy a milkshake there.

Back at home I was so tired that I took a nap, until we left for a Musical. It was the last day of Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons. It was nice, I recognized many of the songs. But I understood less of what they said.
It was really not my day to understand English....

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Much food

Austin, September 4th

Today I slept long. Very long, at least until 9:30. But I stayed in bed until 11:30 or something. Until Loran started to make my bed...and discovered that I'm still in it :p

Later we went with Daphanie out to eat. Chinese All-you-can-eat, delicious. I hadn't had so much shrimp. And I ate the first time in my live Sushi! Well, it wont be my favourite eat, but some kinds of Sushi are really good. And fruits. Three or four different kinds of melon.

And the fortune cockie gave my a better fortune than my oracle yesterday xD

Than Loran and I went to the boat of his boss again. The water was colder than the last time, but still pretty warm.

We first lay in the sun, and later in the water and waited for Paul, Lorans boss. His girlfriend wanted to come too, but her daughter got sick. Hopefully she gets better soon.
We stayed there until it was dark. We sat outsaid and talk, or better Loran and Paul talked, I just listen most of the time.
Paul is cool, he said we could bring Sharon, Sonja and Adrian to come to the boat.
Or if I have a date I should go to the boat xD Great idea.

For dinner we went to Serranos again, the mexican restaurant we ate sometimes.

I don't know why, but I eat always to much of the tortilla chips before the real meal comes, so I can't eat everything -.-
But I love tortilla with queso!

In the restaurant I tought Loran how to say Sonjas and Adrians names. At Adrian I had a bit difficults, because I don't know how I can the name compare with a English word, but Sonja was easier, SUN and YEAH, this both words together and you have it.

The Texas Longhorns played today, and they won!!
The Longhorns are the football team of the University of Texas in Austin. Very much people wore Longhorn shirts today.